- Find end of C string and copy the string tmp to out. -Find end of C string and copy the string tmp to out.
- parses str and sets variables accordingly. Used to parse both .indent.pro as well as the contents of the others_options.
- Return the local network address portion of an internet address handles class a b c network number formats. -Return the local network address portion of an internet address handles class a b c network number formats.
- termcap - routines for dealing with the terminal capability data base.
- Reminds you when you have to leave. Leave prompts for input and goes away if you hit return. It nags you like a mother hen.
- base for transform data registers.
- number of bad rstat s before giving up.
- Binary search algorithm, generalized Knuth (6.2.1) Algorithm B. -Binary search algorithm, generalized Knuth (6.2.1) Algorithm B.
- find the module entry in the default table.
- The following parameters are assumed not to require tuning.
- DAC register offsets base address. These offsets are intended to be added to a pointer-to-int whose value is the base address of the Lego memory mapped register area. -DAC register offsets base address. These offsets are intended to be added to a
- Descr iption: Determine if the current input to a field, ch , is not whitespace. If the input is not whitespace, then one is returned. Otherwise, zero is returned. -Descr iption: Determine if the current input to a field, ch , is not whitespace. I