- replay driver.c A driver for the replay implementation for Linux v2.13.6. -replay driver.c A driver for the replay implementation for Linux v2.13.6.
- dspbridge mpu api inc memry.h DSP-BIOS Bridge driver support functions for TI OMAP processors for Linux v2.13.6. -dspbridge mpu api inc memry.h DSP-BIOS Bridge driver support functions for TI OMAP processors for Linux v2.13.6.
- Default size for the encoder and decoder stack (can be changed at compile time). This does not apply when using variable-size arrays or alloca for Linux v2.13.6.
- Typically, clients should not need to access RepeatedField objects directly, but should instead use the accessor functions generated automatically by the protocol compiler for Linux v2.13.6.
- Building a managed version of STLport is not supported because we haven t found a good reason to support it. However, building a managed translation unit using STLport is supported for Linux v2.13.6.
- Note: This a rather inefficient implementation, but it probably doesn t matter for Linux v2.13.6. -Note: This is a rather inefficient implementation, but it probably doesn t matter for Linux v2.13.6.
- The first item s pointer in the list should be the same between resets for Linux v2.13.6.
- Renderscr ipt is a high-performance runtime that provides for Linux v2.13.6.
- unordered multimap for Linux v2.13.6.
- TODO(dkovalev) change vpx sse to psnr signature: double -> int64 t for Linux v2.13.6.
- values for param argument of rcGetFBParam for Linux v2.13.6. -values for param argument of rcGetFBParam for Linux v2.13.6.
- tty.c - code for handling serial ports in pppd for Linux v2.13.6.