- MTK Catcher [3.1532.00]
- MTK Development portal information, documentation, mechanisms, events, software architecture
- MTK LCM driver, lcd.c, lcd_hw.h, lcd_sw.h
Proximity Seneor CM3623
- MTK MT6261 Proximity Seneor CM3623
- mtk7681平台 用户编程手册介绍。联发科mt7681是一个紧凑的Wi-Fi片上系统(SoC)和嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈物联网设备。通过添加mt7681到物联网设备可以连接其他智能设备或云应用程序和服务(The MediaTek MT7681 is a compact Wi-Fi System-on-Chip (SoC) with embedded TCP/IP stack for IoT devices. By adding the MT7681 to an IoT device it ca
- MTK6735 C2K modem代码,可以用来熟悉熟悉MTK射频config(MTK6735 C2K modem code, can be used to be familiar with MTK radio frequency config)
MT2502_REF_SCH V1.5
- 附件为MTK2502平台的参考原理图,可以用来做项目开发参考资料(The attachment is a schematic diagram of the MTK2502 platform, which can be used as a reference for project development)
MT2502_REF_PCB V0.2
- 附件为MTK2502平台的参考PCB,可以用来做项目开发(The attachment is a reference PCB for the MTK2502 platform, which can be used for project development)
MT2502A SOC Data Sheet v1.0 (for Public)
- 附件为MTK2502平台的芯片的datasheet,密码4404913179(The attachment is datasheet for the chip on the MTK2502 platform, password 4404913179)
- "But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder
- 数据计算口径离开家卡拉季时刻牢记离开了数据库连接类似加拉塞克记录(The data calculation caliber Karaj leaves home always remember leaving the database connection similar galasek records)
- MTK NVRAM tool for mtk mobile chipset and processors