- AVSPOS extracts the available satellite position (XYZ) XYZ=avspos(X,Y,P1,P2) extracts the visible satellites, which are described in P2, from the matrix X. The output XYZ is a N-by-3*M matrix with the coordinates of the visible satellites.
- ALM2SKYPLOT is a program for the satellite constellation [PRN,XYZ,T]=alm2skyplot(DoW,St,Et,I,P,file) is a program which calculates the GPS satellite positions from an almanac file and makes a skyplot (satellite-elevation-plot) for the desi
- SKYPLOT for a given receiver position Y=skyplot(X,PRN,C,O) draws the skyplot for the receiver position. The required inputdata for the calculation of the skyplot X is N-by-3*M matrix, where N are the timesteps and M is the number of the Sat
- ALMIN Import for Almanac Datafiles almanac=almIN(alm_file) import almanac Files in YUMA-Format. The name of the file can be choosen by naming the File as Input parameter or by choosing the file manually (NO INPUT needed).- ALMIN Import fo
- ELEVAT calculation for elevation, zenit angle and spatial distance e_az_s=elevat(D,RHO) computes the elevation, the zenit angle and the spatial distance between a satellite(j) and a receiver(i). The receiver position (D) is a 3-by-3 matrix
- How to build an Inexpensive GPS antenna with hight sensitivity in compact size. You can build your home made. Please read instruction-How to build an Inexpensive GPS antenna with hight sensitivity in compact size. You can build your home made. Pl
- This an e-book descr ipt about activities the development of microstrip antennas for aircarft use. specific for aircraft satellite communication at L-band.-This is an e-book descr ipt about activities the development of microstrip antennas for aircar
- Presently FFT usage in GPS receivers has been a topic of extensive study and many improved FFT-based acquisition methods with averaging correlation technique also have emerged. Although averaging arithmetic can reduce the instant processing p
- Presently FFT usage in GPS receivers has been a topic of extensive study and many improved FFT-based acquisition methods with averaging correlation technique also have emerged. Although averaging arithmetic can reduce the instant processing p
- Averaging correlation foe C/A code acquisitionand tracking fir GPS receivers
- ARM9_s3c2410EP试验仪的GPS实验完整代码,大家如果有需要的话可以参考下。-ARM9_s3c2410EP tester complete code of the GPS experiment, we need to do so if you can refer to the following.
- 将GPS的BLH在当前坐标基准下转换为XYZ