adb file
- adb 功能,在windows系统环境使用(adb shell in android phone and devices)
- 高仿今日头条网易新闻,界面丰富,功能基本齐全,可以直接套用。(High copy of today's headlines NetEase news)
- Android APK是如何安装的?我们常常右击项目,选择Run as,选中Android Application就可以使程序在模拟器或真机上跑起来。程序是如何打包和安装的?(Describes the packaging process of Android)
- 实现后台日志记录并写文件到sd卡。 启动程序,然后到SD卡根目录,可以发现有一个microlog.txt的文件,里面就是我们记录的日志了。(Implement background logging and write files to the SD card. Start the program, then to the SD card root directory, you can find a microlog. txt file, which is the log of our rec
- android FM 收音机 驱动 hal层应用层代码以及 框架层(Android FM radio driver, Hal layer application layer code and frame layer)
turntest V2
- ViewPager翻书效果图手动翻书效果图 翻书效果图是的范德萨范德萨(Viewpager flip book book pages rendering rendering rendering flip book book rendering rendering)
- 1.android 连接 sql server 实现数据库访问和增删改查的操作 2.实现移动端满足条件后响铃提示 3.显示列表(1.Android connect with sql server to realize add, delete, edit and search. 2.Realize ringing. 3.Present listview.)
- 使用jtds驱动连接sql server数据库,响铃提醒。(connect with sql server by JTDS driver, ringing.)
- android 定时器,实现轮询,访问数据库实现响应操作。(Android timer, polling, access to the database, to achieve response operations.)
andorid studio download error
- andorid studio download error
Best practices in Android development
- Best practices in Android development part 2
google translation api registration error
- google translation api registration error