- PrintPreviewSource 这是asp.net打印预览源码的demo
- SingleInstanceExcel A simple app that spawns a new Excel instance. This was necessary because office 2010 would not easily allow you to open two excel windows side by side.
- Threshold CCS图像处理例程 阈值分割算法 针对芯片DM642
- MPBC-A-Mobility-Prediction-Based-Clustering The proposed clustering scheme includes an initial clustering stage and a cluster maintaining stage. The Doppler shifts associated with periodically exchanged Hello packets between neighboring nodes are used to estimate their relative speeds
- Simulink-VC 将simulink仿真自动生成C++代码
- 电力系统潮流计算案例及m文件 利用牛顿
- otp generation project in android
- 前台使用Javascr ipt实现下拉刷新、上拉加载(The front desk uses Javascr ipt to implement pull down, pull up, and load)
wifi direct
- 软件根据google提供的demo改的,原本是只能传送图片的。 Android手机平台通讯软件,功能有传文件、对讲、定位、文字聊天。 通信方式基于wifi direct。相当于高级蓝牙。手机要求版本4.0以上,且支持wifi direct功能(大多都有)(The software, based on the Google provided by demo, was originally meant to send pictures only. Android mobile platform
- 该文件包括常见的android动画切换,及自定义view(The file includes common Android animations, switches, and custom view)
- 通过手机app连接同一局域网内的sql数据库(App through the mobile phone to connect the same LAN SQL database)
- Android直播App礼物弹窗及连送礼物动画(Android live App gifts, popups and even gifts animation)
- 《第一行代码——Android》是Android初学者的最佳入门书。全书由浅入深、系统全面地讲解了Android软件开发的方方面面。(The first line of code, Android, is the best primer for beginners for Android. The book has explained all aspects of Android software development from a shallow, systematic and compre
- Two-way PCS control simulation, Including AHP, factor analysis, regression analysis, cluster analysis, Independent component analysis algorithm reduces the raw data noise.
- cordova 插件,使用手机自带的GPS定位(Cordova plug-in, using the phone's own GPS positioning)
- There are good reference value, esprit algorithm signal frequency interference can be assessed This program has exceeded the performance of other algorithms.
- Including the MUSIC algorithm, ESPRIT algorithm ROOT-MUSIC algorithm, Minimum mean square error (MMSE) algorithm, Chaos-based simulated annealing algorithm.
- BTauxIN android for nexus7 2013