- android系统源码,适合于android高级开发者-android system source code, suitable for advanced android developer
- 自定义的gallery控件,实现了全屏模式的循环滚动。使用Apache License, Version 2.0协议,可用于商业软件中。压缩包中包含了整个Android工程。-This gallery is link a default android widget gallery. But it has a new feature which supports infinite looping. Using the Apache License, Version 2.0 protocol, c
- andoid二维碰撞检测引擎,一般来说开发android系统当遇到复杂的碰撞检测时都采用游戏引擎来实现-andoid two-dimensional collision detection engine, the general development of the android system when faced with a complex of collision detection were achieved using the game engine
仿iphone 转轮界面 源代码
- 仿iphone 转轮界面 源代码 我也是从其他地方找的 分享下-iphone wheel sources
一款Android 拼图游戏的源码
- 一款Android 拼图游戏的源码 , 对初学者有很大的帮助。-an Android puzzle game , it s useful to freshman
fling gallery android 仿QQ 左右滑屏源码
- android 仿QQ 左右滑屏源码,可以点击按钮确定循环滑动-failed to translate
- android中listview仿qq群组向上滚动特效-failed to translate
Ander Web Launcher
- android adw launcher-adw launcher
android-serialport-api android平台上用于串口访问的参考代码
- android平台上用于串口访问的参考代码,很实用,可以用于需要在这个平台上读写串口操作的各种工程,程序自动搜索系统的串口-android platform reference code for serial port access, very useful, can be used to need to read and write the serial port on this platform operating various projects, the program automati
- 基本功能和手机QQ差不多,当然是聊天,空间、社区就没有做了,都差不多的。-Mobile QQ about the basic functions and, of course, chat, space, the community did not do all the same.
- android远程操作sqlserver-android use by sqlserver
Android-Serial android串口调试软件
- android串口调试软件,根据国外开源项目Android Serial 改编而来-android serial debugging software, open source projects under the Android Serial abroad adapted from