- The method of cumulative contribution rate Rotating Machinery dimensional hologram of practical spectrum calculation routines, Monte Carlo simulation method of calculating the American option price and basic descr iption.
Android3G wifi
- Android源码 3G和wifi的切换监听(Android source code, 3G and WiFi switching monitor)
Android QQ
- Android源码 仿QQ列表通讯录项目(Android source code, imitation QQ list address book entries)
Android Launcher
- Android源码 Android Launcher 桌面分页滑动代码(Android source, Android starter, desktop paging, sliding code)
Android loading
- Android源码 自定义有进度的圆形进度条(Android source code, custom progress of the circular progress bar)
Android 360
- Android源码 360全景查看demo(Android source 360 panoramic view)
- android app,实现家教服务功能,可以在上面寻找家教,也可以作为老师发布家教信息(android app, to achieve tutoring service function, you can find the tutor in the above, can also be published as a teacher tutor information)
- component to shom toast message for android and windows
- 安卓开发入门和实战演练其中有很多实例对于初学者有很大的帮助(Android development portal and combat drills)
- android 原生 本地视频文件 播放功能(The Android contact effect mimics the contacts ListView implementation)
- Android联系人的效果模仿,联系人ListView实现(The Android contact effect mimics the contacts ListView implementation)
android painting jar
- 很不错的android jar 包,绘图功能强大(This is a very nice jar packet based on android that can help you to painting wonderful table.)