本系统是一个图书馆借还书管理系统,界面友好。应用本系统,可以进行新图书的增加,馆内图书的查询,管理员对馆内旧书的删除,同时采用会员制借书,所以本系统有注册会员功能,也有对应的删除会员和查询会员的功能,还包括有会员对自己借书情况的查询,以了解自己的借书实况。-This system is a library book circulation management system, user-friendly. Application of this system, can be an increase in the new book at the library book queries, the administrator of the museum deletion of old books, while membership-based library, so this system has registered members features, but also corresponds to the removal of members and membership queries features, but also includes members of the library situation in their own inquiries in order to understand their own borrowing live
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