- 使用cocos2dx编写的一款飞船游戏,涉及粒子系统,碰撞检测,音乐,键盘等等功能。(The use of cocos2dx prepared a spacecraft game, involving particle systems, collision detection, music, keyboard and so on.)
- 单机版拱猪游戏,模拟人的思维,算法复杂,值得借鉴。(The stand-alone version Gongzhu game simulation of thinking, algorithm, complex, worthy of reference.)
- python实现贪吃蛇小游戏,非常简单的一个小程序,大家可以试着跑一下(Python Snake game, a very simple procedure, we can try to run)
- 提取AXP文件内容 添加 修改等应用 方便加密文件 解压 压缩 修改 等应用 常用于网络游戏中(Extract AXP files, add content, modify, and other applications, easy encryption, file decompression, compression, modification and other applications, commonly used in online games)
- Visual C++编写的2048游戏源码(code of 2048 in vc++)
PC 游戏编程(人机博弈)(pdf 格式)
- 中国象棋、五子棋人机博弈,虽然是十几年前的书,但仍有一定的参考价值(Chinese chess and gobang man-machine game, although it is a book more than ten years ago, still has certain reference value)
- c++ 扫雷代码,内另有贪吃蛇、俄罗斯方块游戏源码等资源地址(C++ mine clearance code)
- 这是用unity引擎c#语言开发的第一人称视觉游戏,主要有玩家(抢)和女僵尸。功能主要有 枪声,子弹数,被击僵尸数,波数等。(This is the first person visual game developed with the unity engine c# language, mainly player (ROB) and female zombie. The main functions are shots, bullets, zombies, wave numbers, etc.
Space shooting
- 这是一款用c#编写的unity2d游戏,玩家是一个飞机,敌人有很多飞机,也有升级版的飞机。有开始和结束界面,是个很完整的游戏。有枪声,爆炸声,也有背景音乐。(This is a c# written in unity2d game, the player is a plane, the enemy has many aircraft, there are upgraded version of the aircraft. There is a start and finish interface
Tower Game
- 这是用unity引擎c#语言开发的塔防游戏。有UI界面,主要是两个英雄打猎物,有猎物的XML表,有猎物的被击数,也有波数。(This is the unity engine using c# language to develop the tower defense game. There are UI interfaces, mainly two heroes playing prey, XML table with prey, a number of prey hit, there are
- BOXC石器时代2.5的源码。此文件为DLL源码。欢迎大家下载使用(BOXC stone 2.5 source code.)
- 一个传统的贪吃蛇游戏,方向键控制蛇的移动。无墙壁的简单贪吃蛇.(A traditional snake game that controls the movements of snakes with the arrow keys. A simple Snake without walls)