- 随机性发生器、冒泡分类和混洗一组12张牌的演示程序。 Demonstrates the use of a randomizer, bubble-sort and an array to \"shuffle\" a deck of 12 cards. I put it here for those of you who are trying to figure out how to shuffle with a randomizer without having the same card a
- Tic Tac Toe程序。可以供一到两个玩家使用。程序中使用了visual basic 计时器,所以每一个步骤都有时间限制。此外,计算机可是一个有简单智能的对手,他不但不会随便出手,反而还要竭力赢了你才罢休。 Tic Tac Toe program. One or two players. It uses the visual basic timer, so each move has time limit. Simple artificial intelligence: computer
- 类似于俄罗斯方块、但绝对比它好得多的游戏程序。只要掌握规则,尽可向自己的大脑挑战!不过,这可是要上瘾的! -something like russian dice,but better than it.you can challenge your brain,after mastering its rules.pay attention not to addict to it.
- 一个采用C/S结构的信息发布接收管理程序,相当于一个小型的新闻发布系统模型。- Uses the C/S structure the information issue receive executive program, is equal to a small news issue system model.
- 計算機:使用java開機之計算機,功能比windows所附的簡易計算機還強大-calculator by java,it is more powerful than windows calculator.
- 小遊戲圈圈叉叉,具有AI之功能,可與電腦對打,基本上是不容易打贏電腦的.-little game circle and cross ,it has ai and enable you fight with computer,but you always fail to win computer.
- 是游戏的很好的代码,为每个手写代码的开发者,游戏人才的开发也是这个的.-a very good game code for every develper.it is same with the professinal game structure.
- “抓住它”小遊戲,a applet that plays a game called Catch the Crearure. have the crature appear at a ramdom lacation for a random durarion. the goal is to catch the creature by pressing the moouse button while the mouce pointer is on the creature-"seize
- 这个源码是我从别的网站下载下来的!我是初学者,希望给我一点源码下载(文件包含连连看,俄罗斯方块,当代罗宾汉,智慧珠,贪吃蛇)-I download this source code from other website!I am a beginner hope you guys give me a few more source code to download (including ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)
- 五子棋 一个小游戏 直接连接 编译即可 好玩 又实用的程序-renju a small game can be directly connected to compile fun but practical procedures
- DOOM游戏的源码,研究DOS下游戏设计-Doom game source code, the study DOS game design
- 小熊回家的一个小游戏,有点像超级马力~,有点意思吧~用c语言编写~仅供参考~-Cubs home games in a small, a bit like a super-horsepower, a little bit like it was written with c is for reference only ~ ~