WIN32 SDK版本的象棋游戏源代码
- WIN32 SDK版本的象棋游戏源代码 用纯粹的windows sdk和C编写而成,学习游戏编程的好例子。 初学者可以看看实现过程,算法就不要详细研究了。 -WIN32 version of the SDK source code chess game with a purely windows sdk prepared and C from learning games programming a good example. Beginners can look at the i
- 天堂服务端模拟程序 需要MYSQL的相关头文件,否则无法编译。 -paradise server simulation program needs MYSQL of header files, not compiled.
- 赤壁之战游戏源码 原版本无法编译通过,提示缺少文件。 经过修改可以正常运行(需要游戏的相关资源)。 windows SDK和C++编写,学习游戏编程的好例子。-Cliff war game version of the original source code can not compile, indicating lack of documentation. After amending it works (need game-related resources). Wind
- 程序猎人地图编辑器源代码 一个台湾朋友写的,与\"程序猎人\"源代码配套的程序。 说明是繁体,如果是乱码,用IE打开就可以了。-procedures hunters map editor source code was a friend of Taiwan, and "procedures hunters" source code matching procedures. Note History, if it is gibberish, it is op
- 程序猎人 一位台湾朋友写的。 说明文档是繁体语言,如果有乱码,用IE打开就可以了。 -procedures hunter was a friend of Taiwan. Documentation is the traditional language, if there is gibberish, it is open IE with it.
Quake III 竞技场的源代码
- Quake III 竞技场的源代码 默认安装到C \\quanke3目录下,需要l-Quake III Arena source code for the default installation of C \\ quanke3 directory, need L
- 一个在linux下基于framebuffer,用c语言实现的扫雷游戏,能方便移植到多种嵌入式设备中-one based on the Linux framebuffer c language used in demining games, easy to transplant a variety of embedded devices
- 一个在linux下用c基于fb语言编写的五子棋游戏,能方便移植到多种嵌入式设备中-using c fb language based on the 331 games, easy to transplant a variety of embedded devices
- 在liunx下的几个小程序,可以方便移植到很多嵌入式平台上,本人已经实现将其移植到sigmadesign的平台上-in liunx of several small programs that can be transplanted to many embedded platform, I will have achieved its transplant sigmadesign platform
- QQ对对碰游戏* 功能: 1.能够自动提示能够消除的对对碰 2.能够模拟鼠标自动消除 3.可以加快速度 4.自动开始 虽然此程序仅仅是一个小*,但也使用到了一些技术. 1.线程的使用 2.程序窗口查找 3.dll注入技术 4.api hook 技术 5.单进程全局热建钩子 6.不通过特定颜色判断相同方格的方法 7.模拟鼠标的两种方法,mouse_event(鼠标光标会移动)和PostMessaga(鼠标光标不移动)
- C语言游戏,很简单,而且很粗糙的感觉.但是代码很短,值得学习.-C language games, which is very simple, but very rough feeling. But code is very short, and worth learning.
- 一个模拟扫雷的游戏,功能与WINDOWS的扫雷游戏相当-a mine-simulation game, with the function of the Windows game quite mine