- 天龙八部定点杀怪,验证影月报警或者自动关闭游戏功能,适合内外功门派。-Tian Long Ba Bu fixed the killing, verify that the alarm or automatically shut down on video game features, both inside and outside work for martial.
- 编写VB内存*通用源代码,在代码内已附上各种说明。希望大家早日编写自己的*!-General preparation of VB source code plug memory in a variety of instructions within the code is attached. Hope you write your own plug-in as soon as possible!
- DNF做*用的CALL转换器工具 很不错的一个工具-CALL DNF do plug converter tool used as a tool for good
- DNF做*用的内存搜索工具 在搜索上感觉还是不错 做*用不错-DNF external memory used to do or a good search tool
- 字节转换工具吧 自用以前做DNF*用过 感觉上还行 多余的就没什么说的-Byte conversion tools to do it occupied before the plug used DNF extra feel okay to say no
- 一个后台喊话的软件 使用说明:对准要发送的窗口发送框按下F5键,然后填写时钟间隔.单位/毫秒 在按下发送即可. 窗口里自己添加要喊的话 比较适合商人用-Shouted a background of software use: Alignment of the window to send press the F5 key to send the box, then fill in the clock interval. Units/ms send to the press. Windo
- 自己写的武林*,带自动买卖,群怪的算法有点垃圾(还在学习中 我是新手)-Write their own plug-martial arts, with automatic trading algorithms group a little bit strange garbage (still learning I am a novice)
- 挖矿源代码 主要功能挖矿 可用于*的自动任务的学习-Mining mining source code can be used to plug the main function of the automatic task of learning
- 群怪代码 支持定点群怪和范围群怪VC++2010下通过!-Designated group of strange code base support group of strange and scope of the blame through the VC++2010!
- 用VC++写个最简单的*(实现游戏开局) 新手练习 a、鼠拟鼠标单击 b、鼠标指针移动还原-Using VC++ to write a simple plug-in (start of games) novice to practice a, mouse click mouse to be b, the mouse pointer moves to restore
- 龙之谷*制作的源码E语言的,有需要可以参考参考-Dragon Valley plug-language production of the source E, there is a need to refer to the reference
- 奇迹MU障碍地图重绘DELPHI 源码-BY极FLY 529177325 -Barriers to redraw the map MU miracle Source-BY DELPHI very FLY 529177325