- Where the full picture from the source had bestowed 起凡过追封全图源码-Where the full picture from the source had bestowed =
- 从清华BBS上的帝国时代讨论组中搜索正在建立服务器的主机IP 并尝试连接相应端口是否打开,并通知玩家去玩帝国-Tsinghua BBS from the imperialist era discussion groups are being established to search the mainframe server IP and try to connect phase whether the port should be open and informed the players
- lua 程序设计第三版,脚本开发,游戏脚本(lua programming language scr ipt develop)
- 用于天之炼狱的非原版登陆器,可以自行设置IP及端口-For Tianzhilianyu non-original landers, you can set your own IP address and port
- 实现了诛仙2的很多功能,比如点牌子,寻找怪物,算卦,练法宝,生产等。-Zhu Xian 2 implements many features, such as point brand, find monsters, fortune-teller, practicing magic, production.
- dnf闪电侠辅助源码,不仅有最基本的公式还有不同的编写方法-Dwyane dnf auxiliary source, not only have the most basic formula there are different preparation methods
- 注入方式 成品 直接使用成品 修改游戏软件 属于辅助软件!(Injecting the finished product directly uses the finished product modification game software to belong to the auxiliary software!)
- QQ三国自动打五铢币的脚本,稳定不奔溃,本脚本调用了大漠插件。(QQ three scr ipts automatically hit five baht coins, stable not rush to collapse, this scr ipt called the desert plug-in.)
- 最新能过NP得CE,我测试过了,希望能给大家帮助-NP was able to have the latest CE, I tested and I hope we can help
- A resource for Diablo 2 players. The pages are available at http://fabd.github.io/diablo2 There are two very handy resources I created by extracting the game data and running some Perl scr ipts: "bonuses" : a simple page that sorts
GTA5 1.41版本修改器新增两功能
- 侠盗飞车5的GTA5 1.41版本修改器新增的两功能。(The new version of the GTA5 1.41 version of the Grand Theft Auto 5 is two.)
- 这是一个逆向游戏守望者的一个驱动,用来给整个系统进行加速处理. Hook 内核层的 KeQueryPerformanceCounter 和 KeUpdateSystemTime 来实现加速功能. 目前是整个系统都加速,包括系统时钟也变快了. R3层要加载D3D9相关的DLL,才会让时间显示加快. 变速公式: Result := 上次返回时间 + Round((当前返回时间 - 上次正常时间) * Power(2,倍数)) 请勿