- 千年*源代码和非常详细的分析步骤文档,以前做*的时候找了很久都没有找到这样的源码。贡献出来给大家了-Millennium plug-in source code and a very detailed analysis of the steps in the document, find time to do before plug-in for a long time have not found such a source. Out to all the contributions
- 一个网络游戏的*编写。VC6.0写的。内带说明文档。欢迎学习-A network of plug-in game preparation. VC6.0 written. Documentation within the band. Welcome to learning
- 一个用delphi编写的*程序,供对*有兴趣的朋友参考-Delphi prepared using a plug-in procedures for interested parties to plug a friend reference
TT Server Pack
- it is lineage server pack, copy you client folder
- 漫步魔力反挂程序源码,可有效防止dll注入。私服需要-Walk through the magic anti-linked program source code, can prevent the dll injection. PW required
- *编写技术汇总,不只详细讲解。还有代码实现与分析。-Plug the preparation of technical summary, not only explain in detail. There are code and analysis.
- 各种游戏*制作技巧帮助文件,穿越火线*,地下城与勇士*,英雄联盟*,魔兽世界*,qq飞车*,qq炫舞*,梦幻西游*,御龙在天*,斩魂*,龙之谷*,反恐精英*,跑跑卡丁车*,传奇*-A variety of games plug-making skills to help file through the FireWire plug, plug-DNF hero alliance plug, World of Warcraft plug, qq Speed
- *技术文章总汇:学习*的资料。刚入门的人最合适,我也是从网上下载的,多多指教External technical articles confluence: learning plug-in information. Just to get the most appropriate, I also downloaded from the Internet, a lot of mean-External technical articles confluence: learning plug-i
- 网络游戏*文章现在网上对于*制作或者破解的技术材料是越来越少了,最根本的原因是网络游戏的漏洞是越来越少,而*的加密是越来越高,比如国产的幻影 D.BOY的作品,简直没的话说。 基于此,把网上的些资料进行打包,为的就是方便浏览-The article is now online games online for plug-in plug or break the technical material produced is less and less, the most fundamen
- UPedit源码,是完美的金庸群侠传修改器,可以使用此修改器制作金庸群侠传MOD。编译器delphi2010-This is UPedit s Source Code,which is a perfect editor of the Game Kimyung story.It can be built by Delphi2010.
- 低调发布FC的透视挂源码`供大家参考研究-FC hang low key source of perspective for your consideration of `
- 劲舞团7.6连P 连爆,快速开房,返回大厅,自动准备源码-Audition 7.6 P even explosion, quickly open the room to return to the hall, auto ready source