- 用MFC编写的一个游戏修改工具.可以修改内存地址数据达到修改游戏属性-MFC written in a game with editing tools. You can modify the memory address of data attributes to modify the game
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- CF挑战必备 易语言挑战源码机不可失失不再来看看下载!快快下载吧!-CF challenge challenge easy language source code must not be missed to see download lost! Quickly download it!
- 传奇3的脱机源码.值得新手研究学习.非常简单的结构-The Source code of Mir3
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- QQ连连看反*模块,主要文件:GameProtector.cpp, kernelhacker.cpp, MySSDT.cpp等。-QQ Lianliankan anti-plug modules, the main document: GameProtector.cpp, kernelhacker.cpp, MySSDT.cpp and so on.
- DNF贝利*源码,需要SUPER-EC模块请去官网下载-DNF Bailey plug-source, you need to SUPER-EC website to download the module please Quguan
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- A ingame MiniMap development for the client side, u must find the offsets for your main version (making a research with some debugger), change them, and enjoy it the minimap... also u can add some other features into the source (always for the client
- A source to modding the client of all versions of MuOnline game, the team RSTM released this sources for a educative purpose and to encourage the client developent in this great game.