- 整个架构的核心部分,类名为CTable。封装了棋盘的各种可能用到的功能[3],如保存棋盘数据、初始化、判断胜负等。用户操作主界面,主界面与CTable进行交互来完成对游戏的操作。-The entire architecture of the core of the type known as CTable. Packaging the board may be used in a variety of functions [3], such as preservation of board da
- 在寸方的“领域”里,“黑白势力”明争暗斗,险象环生:这就是五子棋。 “新月”、“星月”之类深不可测的字眼,妙手回春的技法,污子连珠,一切尽在五子棋。-Square inch at the " territory" , the " black-and-white forces" infighting, risky: This is the Gobang. " Crescent" , " Xingyue" and unfatho
- 实现功能强大的连连看游戏,对于学习现在一般都比较难学习的vc++,有很大的帮助-Achieve powerful Lianliankan Games
- 网狐正品的斗地主服务端,大家可以下载研究 绝对商业-Fox genuine斗地主Net Services client, you can study absolutely commercial download
- C++环境下的五子棋源代码,虽然没有华丽的图形界面,但其算法也是非常值得大家学习的,适合入门者练习借鉴用-C++ environment Gobang the source code, although there was no gorgeous graphical interface, but the algorithm is also very worthy of study for everyone, suitable for beginners to practice drawing w
- EDuke32 is a port of the classic 3D Realms game Duke Nukem 3D (or Duke3D for short) to Windows, Linux and OSX. EDuke32 adds many new "convenience" features and modernizations for casual players of the game and many editing features and scr ipting ext
- 一个简单的五子棋,含有悔棋,单双人模式,先后手选择等功能-Gobang a simple, containing悔棋, single-and double-person mode, select features such as hand-held
- C#写的五子棋游戏的精美源程序,支持双人对战,人机对战,算法值得研究-C# written in exquisite Games Gobang source to support the double battle, man-machine war, the algorithm is worth studying
- 用vb寫的中國象棋程式, 可修改程式中的參數來調整下棋能力.-Vb Writing with the Chinese chess programs, may amend the program to adjust the parameters in the ability to play chess.
- 網路五子棋的vb實做,基本的網路五子棋的應用與實現,可以從範例中學習到網路的通訊原理以及網路架構的遊戲開發方式。-Gobang network of vb to do it, the basic network Gobang application and implementation, you can learn from the example of network communication and network architecture tenets of game developme
- VC五子棋人机对战版原码+详解,可以和人,机,网络游戏-AppWizard has created this 7_1 application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
- VB编写的五子棋程序,内有详细的算法,界面功能完善-VB prepared Gobang procedures, which have detailed algorithm, the interface functions