- S7_Pro6 一个S7
- xf86-video-ati-X11R7.2-6.6.3 x.org上有关ati系列显卡最新驱动
- FluidPipelineSimulinkModels These Simulink blocks contain transfer functions that model the pressure and flow transients for axisymmetric 2D viscous flow of a compressible fluid in a straight rigid circular cross section pipelines. Three models are available: (1) pressures at the ends (2) flow rates at the ends (3) pressure at one end and flow rate at the other Filtering is incorporated to reduce numerical oscillation (Gibbs phenomenon). See J. Dyn. Systems
- 《长空激战》手机游戏 这是为参加软件大赛而写的一个手机游戏
- CoorTrans GPS坐标转换算法
- OPERATOR_OVERLOADING A great insight into operator overloading in c/c++. Overloading operators in class operations is always a hectic for beginners. I hope this will be an easy source to take some hint from regarding how the operators are overloaded. Created using Turbo C/C
- 五子棋的C源码,正在学习C的朋友可以拿去看看,TXT文件,源码编译通过,自己拿回去在修改调试吧-Gobang the C source code, are learning to look C' s friends can take it, TXT files, source code to compile, debug their right to take back the modified
- c++的象棋源码,已经编译通过,很不错,可以拿回去慢慢修改调试-chess source code c++, has been compiled through, very good, can take back slowly change debug
- 实现网络形式的五子棋游戏,跟QQ游戏类似。-Networked forms of backgammon games, QQ games with similar.
- 利用c++面向对象程序设计的思想编写的五子棋程序,能够实现任何电脑的对战并判断胜负,注意不是windows程序设计,没有界面,包括所有源程序代码-Using c++ object-oriented programming ideas backgammon written procedures to implement any play against the computer and determine the outcome, attention is not a windows progra
- 用c语言实现五子棋,能实现双方对战功能,而且可重置-c five ziqi
- 国际象棋用Java编写 国际象棋用Java编写-Written with the Java chess chess chess with Java writing written with Java
- 用c实现五子棋的人机对战,中级难度 界面友好,运行效率搞,漏洞较少-It doesn t hava statement.just some code
- 用C语言设计一井字游戏(tac-tic-toe game )。规则如下:3*3棋盘,若Switch断开,只要游戏机可以赢,就判游戏机赢,否则判为和局;如果Switch闭合,谁取得胜利谁就赢。-It introduces a design of Tac-Tic-toe game in C language.
- 基于Qt4开发的小游戏,希望大家交流指正;
- 一个MFC五子棋程序,感觉还可以,但是算法上存在问题-Gobang a MFC program, I feel you can, but the algorithm on problems
- 五子棋代码,可选择由红棋或者蓝棋先走,非人机对弈-Gobang code, you can choose from red or blue chess chess go first, non-human chess
- 五子棋对战的手机游戏源代码,对J2ME的初学者有一定的帮助!-Backgammon multiplayer mobile game source code, the J2ME be helpful for beginners!