- 用Visual C++实现的黑白棋,可以从中学习搜索算法。-Using Visual C++ implementation of Reversi, you can learn from the search algorithm.
- 踩地雷的遊戲, 踩地雷的遊戲, 踩地雷的遊戲-Minesweeper game Minesweeper game Minesweeper game Minesweeper game Minesweeper game
- five chess five chess five che-five chess five chess five chess five chess
- 学完C++后课程设计时自己用C++写的一个简单的扑克牌游戏(斗地主)-After the completion of C++ program design their own C++, written in a simple poker game (Doudi Zhu)
- 这是一个五子棋代码,可实现闲来无事的娱乐活动-This is a Gobang code that can be realized nothing better entertainment
- 中国象棋,实现了对战模式,加上了背景音乐,在走棋的同时打印棋谱,建立了栈保存走棋的步骤和棋谱列表,走棋时可以灵活地选择上一步,下一步-Chinese Chess achieved Battle Mode, plus the background music, go chess chess while printing, set up the stack to save the steps and go chess chess list of chess can take the flexibil
- 这是俄罗斯方块游戏的源代码,对于大家学习游戏编程很有帮助,而且可以进行单片机嵌入,非常好用-This is a Tetris game' s source code, for them to learn game programming helpful, but also can be embedded microcontroller is very easy to use
- 八张牌麻将游戏,与平常的麻将不一样,只有8张牌-8 card mahjong games, mahjong not the same as the usual, only 8 cards
- 五子棋的小程序,考虑了先手双三禁手的情况可以人和电脑,人和人,步数有统计,开始可以选择白旗或者黑棋-Gobang a small program, taking into account firstly the three pairs of hands can be cut and the computer, and the people, a few steps there are statistics, can choose to start a white flag or Black
- 能够实现五子棋的游戏,很好玩,我都有点下不过它-Can be achieved Gobang game, a lot of fun, I have a little bit, but it is under. .
- 一个简单的五子棋游戏,本人是业余程序爱好者,本程序于2001年开发到现在这个多年了没有更新,对程序代码没有注解敬请谅解-A simple welcome to play, I am an amateur program enthusiasts, this procedure was developed in 2001 to the present this has not been updated for many years on the program code did not commen
- 一个很多人都常开发的五子棋游戏,刚才源码没上传好,只支持人机对战,谢谢,可用文字做棋名-A lot of people are often developed Gobang game, just not upload source code is good, only supports man-machine Battle, thank you, words can be used to do chess name