- 五子棋的游戏,用剪枝来实现,有多种选择搜索的深度和算法-Gobang the game, with pruning to achieve, there are a variety of choices and depth of search algorithms
- 在Linux下用qt和c++建立一个可对战的象棋游戏,可以实现实时交互-In the Linux with qt and c++ of establishment of a Battle Chess game, can achieve real-time interaction
网狐6603 内核 运行组件
- 网狐6603 内核 运行组件 编译缺的,有福了,架设问题交流群:6776014-Fox 6603 was the kernel to run the component compiler missing, Blessed are the erection of the exchange group: 6,776,014
- Delphi制作的纸牌游戏,完全模仿windows纸牌游戏,素材完全提取自windows纸牌游戏。希望Delphi能够越来越强大,越来越受欢迎!-Common control WC_TABCONTROL-SysTabControl32), complete Windows API source code to achieve the multi-page dialog window a child window can be resized and off.
- 小球碰撞问题游戏,总体是一个成熟的项目。望好好珍惜-Ball game collision problems, and the general is a mature project. Hope cherish
- 扫雷游戏,可实现默认WINDOWS扫雷基本功能,包括左键,右键以及双键点击的功能。-Minesweeper, the default WINDOWS mine can achieve basic functions, including left, right-click and double bond functionality.
- 中国象棋两人对战游戏,支持2人单机对战和2人网络对战,适合初学2D游戏的朋友参考,尤其是MFC 和 socket应用方面-The Chinese chess two people to fight the game source code, supports 2 person of single planes to the war with 2 person of networks to the war, suitable to begin studies the 2D game s frien
- Java编写的仿Windows7扫雷。默认雷区为10*10,可在代码内修改常量更改。-Written in Java imitation Windows7 mine clearance. Default minefield of 10* 10, you can modify the constant change in the code.
- MFC 五子棋-MFC game made in korea...............
- alpha-Beta剪枝实现的重力四子棋 包括界面 以及 AI-alpha-Beta pruning to achieve the gravity moves, including four sub-interface and AI
- 用C++编的三子连珠游戏,只支持两人一起游戏,没有加入电脑做对手,可以继续扩充。-In C++ the three-child Lianzhu game series, only supports the two play together, did not join a computer opponent, you can continue to expand.
- 一个扔骰子猜骰子个数的小游戏。 在酒吧常有人玩,又叫做“大话骰”,“骗子骰”-Throwing a dice to guess the number of dice game. Often playing in bars, also known as big dice, liar dice