- Unrealscr ipt code for XIII (Ubisoft) These are some additionnal info actors for XIII the game : - wapzone actors (unlocked) and working full functionnality - rotating skybox - multi skybox
- Unrealscr ipt for XIII the Game (Ubisoft) advanced movers actors and other extra stuff for mapping provides an actor mover the keyframes of which are set by some intermediates actors placed in the world. When you move an intermediate actor, the key
- Unrealscr ipt for XIII-The-Game (Ubisoft) Prevents CV usage by removing 1 point to the user. (CV is Center Vertical)
- Unrealscr ipt for XIII-The-Game (Ubisoft) Beta version of an anti aimbot. it removes unusual interaction class actors running clientside.
- Unrealscr ipt for XIII-The-Game (Ubisoft) 1rst version of ServerLogo. Displays a logo from a texture of your choice and make it fade-in, travelling then fade-out. From the original source made by Wormbo for UT2003
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- Ogre引擎的学习资料,目前ogre引擎很热,希望大家有机会学习一下,-Ogre engine, learning materials, ogre engine is very hot now, I hope you have the opportunity to learn about, huh, huh
- Ogre引擎的学习资料,目前ogre引擎很热,希望大家有机会学习一下,-Ogre engine, learning materials, ogre engine is very hot now, I hope you have the opportunity to learn about, huh, huh
- Ogre引擎的学习资料,目前ogre引擎很热,希望大家有机会学习一下,-Ogre engine, learning materials, ogre engine is very hot now, I hope you have the opportunity to learn about, huh, huh
- Ogre引擎的学习资料,目前ogre引擎很热,希望大家有机会学习一下,-Ogre engine, learning materials, ogre engine is very hot now, I hope you have the opportunity to learn about, huh, huh
- 价值100W游戏引擎代码 价值100W游戏引擎代码-gameerengine
- 一个高质量的游戏引擎源码,适用於Visual C++ 2005 IDE。 包含 2D、3D api, sound, input devices, sequence, collision, lighting, animation 與 etc.-A high-quality game engine source code for Visual C++ 2005 IDE. Including 2D, 3D api, sound, input devices, sequence, collision