- 安特罗皮亚引擎+ +是一个2D游戏引擎设计的一个简单的跨平台游戏的开发。该项目的目的是提供一个简单而强大的框架,充分利用了C + +中的OpenGL , OpenAL可以, SDL和更多。-Entropia Engine++ is a 2D Game Engine designed for an easy cross-platform game development. The project aims to provide a simple and powerfull framework th
- 3D查看器包含工具,三维可视化和查询的地理数据(例如gocad文件, shapefiles ) 。 “ Geocando ”开发C + +中使用vtk和vtkGeography以及Qt的。-The 3d viewer contains tools for 3d visualisation and querying of geodata (e.g. gocad files, shapefiles). "Geocando" is developed in C++ using vtk and vtkG
- 很不错的游戏2d,3d 引擎源码。可参考。-Very good game 2d, 3d engine source code. Can be found.
- 传奇三游戏运行插件之一,有需要的可以看看!-The Legend of plug-ins to run one of the three games, there is a need to look at the can!
- C++游戏引擎代码 SDK 非常值得学习 可用于二次开发-C++ game engine SDK code is worth learning can be used to the secondary development
- python编写的游戏引擎,简单。制作简单游戏的首选工具包。-prepared python game engine, simple. A simple game of choice for the production of kits.
- dotk v0.5版本,开发WebGame的开源游戏引擎,值得试用。-dotk v0.5 version of the open source development WebGame game engine, it is worth the trial.
- REminiscence is a re-implementation of the engine used in the game Flashback made by Delphine Software and released in 1992. More informations about the game can be found at [1], [2] and [3].
- This part of workshops tutorials from game engine A7 3D Gamestudio. With Atari s Lite-C language.-This is part of workshops tutorials from game engine A7 3D Gamestudio. With Atari s Lite-C language.
- This part of workshops tutorials from game engine A7 3D Gamestudio. With Atari s Lite-C language.-This is part of workshops tutorials from game engine A7 3D Gamestudio. With Atari s Lite-C language.
- This part of workshops tutorials from game engine A7 3D Gamestudio. With Atari s Lite-C language.-This is part of workshops tutorials from game engine A7 3D Gamestudio. With Atari s Lite-C language.
- This part of workshops tutorials from game engine A7 3D Gamestudio. With Atari s Lite-C language.-This is part of workshops tutorials from game engine A7 3D Gamestudio. With Atari s Lite-C language.