- 美国海军的osg教程,一本非常刚好的osg教程,欢迎大家下载-U.S. Navy osg tutorial, a very just osg tutorial, welcome to download
- 这个是决战NEO版本的引擎代码。找了好久才找到。共享的人好少。-This is a battle NEO version of the engine code. Looking for a long time to find. Sharing a good few people.
- 一个网络游戏平台,用户只要在网络上注册,即可享受云计算的感受,畅游游戏-A network game platform, allowing the user registered on the network, you can enjoy the feeling of cloud computing, and Gaming
- 公鸡过马路游戏,研究游戏引擎的好资料,强力推荐-Rooster cross the road game of good information on the game engine, strongly recommended
- UltimaX ——完全由DX8编译的引擎,程序包括 - 2D声音,3D声音,SoundFX,透明对象( .x files),流动的水,环境,对象贴图(Dark Mapping, light mapping, gloss mapping, detail mapping,)等等。-UltimaX- compiled entirely by DX8 engine, the program, including- 2D Sound, 3D Sound, SoundFX, transparent obj
- We outline here the requirements of a 3D game engine, illustrated by describing a particular engine’s components. We designed the game engine, marketed as NetImmerse, to run on PCs with a broad range of performance levels, both with and wit
- Control/client of emaga5 from torque game engine
- 《3d game engine programming》最新zfxcengine 0.1.0版引擎源代码(包含vc++6.0,vc++7.0,vc++7.1,vc++8.0等各种版本)-"3d game engine programming," the latest zfxcengin e 0.1.0 version of the engine source code (including vc 6.0, 7.0 vc, vc 7.1, vc 8.0 and other ve
- 一個圍棋編輯器的開源軟件,具有豐富功能。-A open source project of Go editor, has abundant of features.
- 自己写的一个简单的游戏窗口框架代码 希望对读者有用-A simple game window to write their own framework code hope useful to readers
- 使用HGE自己编写的一个飞行躲避游戏,主要测试了使用HGE游戏引擎的模块碰撞检测,不过为了像一个游戏也做了相应的一些小功能。-Use HGE own preparation of a flight to avoid the game, mainly testing the use of HGE game engine collision detection module, but like a game to have done some small functions correspondin
- bigworld游戏引擎介绍,它是制作大型游戏的引擎,需要的朋友可以下下来试试看怎么样,很多公司都在用的。-bigworld game engine introduced, it is the production of large-scale game engine, you need a friend you can try how to lower down, many companies are using.