- matlab-Simuliank 电力系统是一个大规模
- DST-file-parsing 本文档介绍了花样文件格式DST(田岛格式)的整体结构
- belajar_decision_tree Decision Tree Classifier applied on standard Iris dataset using Python.
- 雷达目标跟踪源码程序 《雷达数据处理及应用》之Singer模型(Singer model radar target tracking source code program for radar data processing and Application)
- adult 本人课设实现的基于决策树和朴素贝叶斯对Adult数据集进行分类!(Adult dataset is classified based on decision tree and naive bayes!)
- C#常见面试题
- 用JAVA语言实现的贪食蛇小游戏,功能全面,源码清晰。-Implemented with JAVA language Snake game.
- 基于SQL的俄罗斯方块设计 实现了开始 难度选择 成绩查询等功能-Based on SQL tetris design Realize the start difficulty scores query choice etc. Function
- 井字游戏,一个益智类小游戏,主要利用鼠标消息来实现,它响应3种类型的客户区鼠标事件:单击左键,单击右键以及双击左键-Tic Tac Toe game, a puzzle game, the main message to the use of the mouse, it responds to three types of client area mouse events: click the left button, right-click and double-click the left
- Swing星际争霸游戏完整版的源代码,是Java开发者不错的参考资源。-Swing the full version of StarCraft game source code, is a good reference for the Java developer resources.
- 包含了扫雷,贪吃蛇,推箱子,俄罗斯方块,拼图,连连看几个用C++做的小游戏,界面很简单,喜欢这方面的新手可以学习一下。-Contains a mine, Snake, Sokoban, Tetris, puzzle, Lianliankan in C++ to do some small game, the interface is very simple, like a novice in this area can learn about.
- 俄罗斯方块源代码 一款经典的游戏,百玩不厌-A classic Tetris game source code, one hundred to play tire
- 数字拼图游戏算法, 数字拼图游戏算法, -this is a game!this is a game!this is a game!this is a game!this is a game!
- 带音效的VC++俄罗斯方块游戏源码。提供给对游戏开发感兴趣的朋友。VC + + with a sound source Tetris game. Development of the game available to interested friends.-VC++ with a sound source Tetris game. Development of the game available to interested friends.
- 不错的俄罗斯源码,语言java,平台eclipse-Good source of Russian language java, eclipse platform
- C++开发的小游戏,扫雷 自己收集的,来分享下-C++ development of the game, mine own collection, to share the next
- 自己在上网看到的C++编写的贪食蛇,拿来跟大家分享下-Saw himself in the Internet written in C++ Snake, used to share with you the next
- This a program in visual c++ using the MFC libraries. It makes basic 2D figures. Part of it is set in Spanish but most of it is in English and is completely understandable. It uses classes to create the figures and set them in the view file. -This is