- 问题的提出:某大学开田径运动会,现有12名选手参加100米比赛,对应的运动员号及成绩如表所示,请按照成绩排名并输出,要求每一行输出名次、运动员号及成绩。要求用冒泡法排序。-Of the problem: open a college track meet, the existing 12 players participated in the 100 meters race, the corresponding number of athletes and the results as show
- 问题的提出:根据“心”形曲线的数学参数方程,绘制曲线并输出屏幕。在各坐标点处循环显示“LOVE”的各字母。365.2425×400=146097天。如果以365天作为一年,每400年就少了0.2425×400=97天。这97天要靠设置闰年(每年366)天来凑齐,所以,每400年要设置97个闰年。-Of the problem: According to the "heart"-shaped mathematical curve parameter equation, drawing curve
- 炸弹超人吧,qq堂编程 两个人碗的,A控制WASD空格,B控制光标键和回车 命数,关的风格自己在文件头自己搞定;可以吃的道具由种分别加威力和雷数(最多8个)--简单的16色游戏-Zhatanchaoren it, qq two bowls hall programming, A control WASD space, B control the cursor keys and Enter order number, style of relating to their own butt
- 仿QQ安全登录程序VB源代码.界面高仿真QQ登陆界面.可以直接登陆QQ号码-QQ imitation VB source code for secure login process. QQ login interface, the interface of high simulation. Can login QQ number
- 这是一款QQ,QQ游戏,TT的综合性登录管理工具.实现了自动记录账号.自动登陆等功能.绝对好用!-This is a QQ, QQ games, TT' s comprehensive log management tools. Realized automatically record account. Automatic landing function. Definitely helps!
- 这是用vfp编写二子棋游戏,本游戏有两人对战模式和人机模式-This is the second child with vfp writing, this game chess game two people on war mode and man-machine mode
- Visual Basic 课程设计——题目精选哈诺塔汉诺塔 -Visual Basic Course Design- Title Design Selected 哈诺塔汉诺塔 Visual Basic courses- subject selection 哈诺塔汉诺塔
- Card Game-Big & small. It is a mini-card game. The program will randomly select one card within the 52 cards. Users can guess the card is a big or small. The program can also record the marks of each game. It s a simple program to learn the C++ langu
- 井字棋人机对弈游戏,有进攻和防守策略,有详细的课件。-Man-machine chess games on Tic Tac Toe game with offensive and defensive strategies, detailed courseware.
- 这是一款用c语言编的贪吃蛇游戏,其实还可以的-This is a compilation of the Snake with the c language game, in fact, can the
- this the code of a business strategy game, the basic panel part it runs on using java netbeens -this is the code of a business strategy game, the basic panel part it runs on using java netbeens
- solve tsp,read file contains cities and makes matrix then solve by hillclimbing -iterrative ,stochastic and simulated annekling