- 易语言坦克大战V1.0 单机版 易语言编写请自己研究-Easy language V1.0 stand-alone version of Tankedaizhan
- 这是个小小的demo程序,用OpenGL实现了设想的全自由3D空间和4D空间。 -This is a small demo program, OpenGL realize the vision of the whole free-space 3D and 4D space.
- 本程序是用VC语言对一个节目‘幸运52’进行的编程,其核心对界面给出的商品进行估价,系统自动提示所估价格是否正确。-This program is a program with VC language ' lucky 52' program conducted its core commodity valuation given interface, the system automatically prompts the estimated price is correct.
- C++写的 数独游戏求解代码。未用常见的递归方法。大家可以参考一下。-C++ write sudoku solving the code. Recursive method is not commonly used. We can refer to.
- c语言开发的贪吃蛇,建议美观易懂,很适合初学者-Snake c language development, the proposed appearance understandable, it is suitable for beginners
- 《找你妹子》这是一款结合了传统的找茬系列元素和经典的角色扮演系列元素的游戏。拥有风趣幽默的故事情节,诙谐搞笑的画面,包含丰富的游戏模式以及道具系统,操作简单,易于上手。-"Find your sister," which is a combination of traditional elements and finding fault Series classic role-playing game series elements. Has a humorous storyline, witt
- 游戏中用中键控制小鸟上下飞行,按住可以向上,松开会自动下落,从而躲过各种障碍,最后完成全程即可过关。在飞行过程中,还有很多道具哦,它们会带来不一样的惊喜哦。-Games using the up and down keys to control the bird fly, or hold up release will automatically fall, and thus escape various obstacles, finally completed the full clearan
- 翡翠宫殿内藏着神龙秘籍,传说神龙秘籍具有通天彻底的威力。熊猫阿宝为了得到它决定独闯翡翠宫,只是前往翡翠宫殿的路途遥远,要经过十盘阶梯的考验才能到达!它能否顺利拿到神龙秘籍呢?让我们拭目以待!-Hidden within the Dragon Jade Palace Cheats, Cheats legendary dragon has the power to completely Babel. Panda Bao decided to get it armed with Jade Palace
- 自从帝国战败后,他们乘坐最新制造的飞碟逃出了地球,抵达了一个神秘星系,并与魔族勾结,它们制造了各种恐怖的武器,试图重返地球,将人类灭绝。同时银河战士也装备了神秘的死亡射线这个人类最强大武器,奋起反击!整个人类的命运全部寄希望与它-Since the defeat of the Empire, they ride the latest manufacturing UFO escaped earth arrived in a mysterious galaxy, and collusion with
- 一之太刀、云隐之术、疾风突进、冰冻西瓜、双倍香蕉!多种道具和技能带来超凡体验!-One of the knife too, hidden in the clouds, the winds were onrush, frozen watermelon, double banana! A variety of props and skills to bring extraordinary experience!
- flash俄罗斯方块的源文件,大家下载查看吧,有点点小错误。-Tetris flash source files you download to see it, there is little small errors.
- 这是基于C++的游戏开发,主要是实现类似贪吃蛇的功能,代码简单明了,希望能帮助C++初学者以及游戏开发者培养兴趣。-This is based on C++ game development, mainly to achieve a similar function of the Snake, the code is simple, hoping to help C++ beginners as well as game developers develop an interest.