- 就是一个视频传输的离子,可能大家用得着,经管下吧,-is a video transmission ion, and we may worthwhile, administered under the bar,
- 播放器-players
- 视频播放的软件 用Visual C开发的视频播放软件 -Video Player software with Visual C development of the Video Player Software
- 自己编写的一款可以进行双路PCM语音混频的程序,针对的是16位的PCM语音数据,经过验证,比常规的混音算法质量好许多,特别是进行多路混频时,重复调用该程序也可以达到比较满意的结果。-own section can be prepared for two-way voice PCM mixing procedures, The address is 16 PCM voice data, after verification, than conventional mixing algorithm m
- 一份可以用于网络语音聊天会议的代码,可以支持5路以上的通道。-a network can be used for voice chat session of the code will be able to support more than five road crossing.
- 歌词显示插件 歌词显示插件 -song lyrics show plugin plug-show song l yrics show plugin plug-in show
- 视频采集并锁存到SDRAM中的完整代码,运行环境为QII,VHDL与标准参数宏模块调用混合设计 是学习视频采集的很好的参考-Video Capture SDRAM and latches to the integrity code, the operating environment for QII. VHDL standard parameter-called hybrid module is designed to study the Video Capture good reference
- car dvd soft for mtk project-car dvd soft for mtk project !!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 大名鼎鼎的jm86,不用我介绍了吧。 -famous, I do not have introduced it. Jm86 famous, I do not have introduced it.
- Shows how a Windows Media file is streamed across the Internet. The sample requires a port to be specified, and then the file can be played using a player. -Shows how a Windows Media file is streamed a cross the Internet. The sample requires a port t
- Plays Windows Media files including files packaged with DRM. It is controlled through a GUI, and commands include Play, Pause, Seek and Stop. The sample can play local files or files read from the Internet (including those output to the Internet
- The following samples demonstrate the use of Microsoft DirectShow to render, play, and manipulate Windows Media content.-The following samples demonstrate the use of Microsoft DirectShow to render, play, and manipulate Windows Media content.