- This sample shows the necessary code to recompress a WMV file. It shows reading uncompressed samples, writing uncompressed samples, multi-pass encoding, multi-channel output, and smart recompression. -This sample shows the necessary code to
- This sample shows the necessary code to copy a WMV file. It demonstrates how to read compressed samples, write compressed samples, read header attributes and scr ipts, and modify header attributes.-This sample shows the necessary code to cop
- The following samples demonstrate the use of Microsoft DirectShow to render, play, and manipulate Windows Media content.-The following samples demonstrate the use of Microsoft DirectShow to render, play, and manipulate Windows Media content.
- Plays Windows Media files including files packaged with DRM. It is controlled through a GUI, and commands include Play, Pause, Seek and Stop. The sample can play local files or files read from the Internet (including those output to the Internet
- Shows how a Windows Media file is streamed across the Internet. The sample requires a port to be specified, and then the file can be played using a player. -Shows how a Windows Media file is streamed a cross the Internet. The sample requires a port t
- 大名鼎鼎的jm86,不用我介绍了吧。 -famous, I do not have introduced it. Jm86 famous, I do not have introduced it.
- 视频播放的软件 用Visual C开发的视频播放软件 -Video Player software with Visual C development of the Video Player Software
- rtp 在multicast 機制下傳送和接收avi檔-rtp multicast mechanism in the transmission and reception of avi file
- 一个使用windows API编写的视频采集样例,可捕捉摄像头采集的数据,同时记录到硬盘,保存为AVI视频文件(不过没有压缩,呵呵,会比较大)-use of a windows API prepared by the Video Capture example, camera can capture data collection, record to hard disk, for the preservation of AVI video files (but no compression,
- 多视点编码参考框架,国际标准及建议,实现原理-coding frame of reference, the international standards and recommendations, Principle
- VC++播放AVI的源程序,可以播放AVI视频文件.-VC broadcast of the source, can play AVI video files.
- 一个p2p Streaming的原型系统,基于树状结构的应用层组播开发。完整的寻径和平衡树算法。-a prototype system, based on the tree structure of the application layer multicast development. Integrity of the routing and balanced tree algorithms.