- gps arduino 单片机读取信息,经过处理后送到串口显示-GPS arduino
- 工程已经大规模使用,南瑞科技所使用的103通讯源码-103 communication source documents are already widely used, and the source of the 103 source code used by nani technology
- Creating, Compiling and Running C++ Programs from the Command Window For Introduction to C++ Programming
- Data transmission between AVR and peripheral devices like sensors is straightforward – Connect the device to one of the AVR ports and read the port • Data transmission between two AVRs or an AVR and a PC is more complex – Requires a
- #define F_CPU 16000000 // run CPU at 16 MHz #define LED 5 // Boarduino LED on PB5 #define ClearBit(x,y) x &= ~_BV(y) // equivalent to cbi(x,y) #define SetBit(x,y) x |= _BV(y) // equivalent to sbi(x,y)
- Check the clock frequency & that the baud rate required can be achieved. Error of <1 is never a problem, <2 will work but is undesirable, 5 will not work. Note that this assumes that the other end of the link has perfect timing, which will norm
- 扫码枪demo,适用于安卓环境的条码扫描枪。需要系统广播发布-Scanner Demo
- KEI C51语言使用技巧及实战,这本书主要是介绍一些新的技术使8051工程开发和使用过程变得简单。-KEI C51 u8BED u8A00 u4F7F u7528 u6280 u5DE7 u53CA u5B9E u6218 uFF0C u8FD9 u672C u4E66 u4E3B u8981 u662F u4ECB u7ECD u4E00 u4E9B u65B0 u7684 u6280 u672F U4F7F8051 u5DE2 u7A
- 本书适合零基础学习单片机以及稍微有一点单片机基础的群体,主要介绍的是单片机C语言编程技术。- U672C u4E66 u9002 u5408 u57F3 u57F0 u57FA u7840 u5B06 u4E60 u5355 u7357 u7237 U7FA4 u4F53 uFF0C u4E3B u8981 u4ECB u7ECD u7684 u662F u5355 u7247 u673AC u8BED u8A00 u7A
- STM32 SHT21温度传感器I2C通讯源代码-STM32 SHT21code
- OV7670_VGA 是摄像头OV7670跟VGA接口综合实验,实验现象是摄像头OV7670采集图片,通过VGA接口连接显示器,显示器可以实时显示摄像头的采集的图像-Quotient & lt RTI ID 0.0 & gt UFF0C u901A u8FC1VGA u63A5 u53E3 u8FDE u63A5 u663E u739A u5668 uFF0C u663E u793A u5668 u53EF u4E5 u5B9E u6
- SOBEL_VGA 黑金AX301开发板, 通过摄像头OV7670采集图像,通过FPGA进行边沿检测算法,最后通过VGA进行显示。-SOBEL_VGA u9ED1 u91D1AX301 u5F00 u53D1 u677F uFF0C u901A u8FC7 u6444 u50CF u5934OV7670 u91C7 u96C6 u56FE u50CF uFF0C u901A u8FC7FPGA u8FDB u884C u8FB9 u6CBF