- File list(Click to check if it's the file you need, and recomment it at the bottom):
- lpc1768的GPIO引脚配置例程 路虎开发板(Lpc1768 GPIO pin configuration routines Land Rover development board)
- LPC1768外部中断程序例程 路虎开发板(LPC1768 external interrupt routines Land Rover development board)
- lpc1768串口通讯例程,使用路虎开发板(Lpc1768 serial communication routines, the use of Land Rover development board)
- LPC1768 adc转换例程 使用路虎开发吧(LPC1768 ADC conversion routines using Land Rover development bar)
- LPC1768 RTC时钟例程 使用路虎开发板(LPC1768 RTC clock routines using Land Rover development board)
- 8*8*8光立方,里面有制作过程、代码、仿真、PCB图(8*8*8 light cube, with the production process, code, simulation, PCB diagram)
- 过MAX485实现多机通信程序与仿真,含有protues原理图。 ( rs485 to achieve multi-machine communication procedures and simulation)(( rs485 to achieve multi-machine communication procedures and simulation))
- AT89C51利用DAC0832采集模拟5V电压信号的Keil uVision4 C语言代码,并用proteus演示成功。(AT89C51 uses DAC0832 to collect Keil uVision4 C language code of analog 5V voltage signal, and demonstrates it successfully with proteus.)
- AT89C51利用PCF8574演示I2C的通信,并用了7SEG-MPX4-CC数码管的Keil uVision4 C语言代码,并用proteus演示成功。(AT89C51 uses PCF8574 to demonstrate the communication of I2C, and uses Keil uVision4 C language code of 7SEG-MPX4-CC digital tube, and demonstrates success with proteus.)
PIC单片机的I2C 24LC02 C读写程序
- 1, 24LC02器件地址是1010000R/W. 2, 数组写入24LC02采取页写方式. 3, 数组code从24LC02读出时采取自由读方式. 4, 采用4.00M晶体。 5,采用软件I2C。(1, the 24LC02 device address is 1010000R/W. 2, take 24LC02 array to write page write mode. 3, the array code take free read read from the 24
- For feature reduction, feature fusion, correlation analysis, LZ complexity is reflected in a time sequence, High simulation efficiency.