实验44 音乐播放器实验
- STM32的音乐播放器程序。内有详细的注释和文档。很好的学习资料。(STM32 music player program. There are detailed notes and documentation. Good study materials.)
实验49 触控USB鼠标实验
- stm32的usb鼠标程序。内有详细的注释和文档。很好的学习资料。(Stm32 usb mouse program. There are detailed notes and documentation. Good study materials.)
实验48 串口IAP实验
- STM32的串口IAP程序。内有详细的注释和文档。很好的学习资料。(STM32's serial port IAP program. There are detailed notes and documentation. Good study materials.)
实验50 USB读卡器实验
- STM32的USB读卡器程序。内有详细的注释和文档。很好的学习资料。(STM32 USB card reader program. There are detailed notes and documentation. Good study materials.)
实验45 录音机实验
- STM32的录音机程序。内有详细的注释和文档。很好的学习资料。(STM32 recorder program. There are detailed notes and documentation. Good study materials.)
实验47 拼音输入法实验
- STM32的拼音输入法程序。内有详细的注释和文档。很好的学习资料。(STM32's pinyin input method. There are detailed notes and documentation. Good study materials.)
实验51 USB声卡实验
- STM32的USB声卡程序。内有详细的注释和文档。很好的学习资料。(STM32 USB sound card program. There are detailed notes and documentation. Good study materials.)
实验46 手写识别实验
- STM32的手写识别程序。内有详细的注释和文档。很好的学习资料。(STM32 handwriting recognition program. There are detailed notes and documentation. Good study materials.)
实验54 UCOSII实验2-信号量和邮箱
- STM32的UCOSII信号量程序。内有详细的注释和文档。很好的学习资料。(STM32 UCOSII semaphore procedure. There are detailed notes and documentation. Good study materials.)
实验53 UCOSII实验1-任务调度
- STM32的UCOSII任务调度程序。内有详细的注释和文档。很好的学习资料。(STM32 UCOSII task scheduler. There are detailed notes and documentation. Good study materials.)
实验56 战舰STM32开发板综合实验
- STM32的综合程序。内有详细的注释和文档。很好的学习资料。(An integrated program of STM32. There are detailed notes and documentation. Good study materials.)
实验52 ENC28J60网络模块实验
- STM32的ENC28J60网络模块程序。内有详细的注释和文档。很好的学习资料。(STM32's ENC28J60 network module program. There are detailed notes and documentation. Good study materials.)