- ESP8266 AT模式固件,亲自测试可以使用!(ESP8266 AT mode firmware,personal test can be used!)
C8T6 8通道采集IIC 串口发送
- 本程序由一台主机通过RS485控制多个从机,这里给出的是一个从机的程序。通过对stm32控制,对8路的IIC采集传感器数据,通过串口控制单片机的执行与数据的上传,代码运行时间少,并且避免了从机与主机通信时从机与从机通信之间的干扰.(This program is controlled by a host machine through RS485, and a slave program is given here. Through the control of STM32, the data
STM32 ADC实验源码
- 基于STM32实现ADC的实验,实验平台可根据自己的开放环境进行改变。(Based on STM32 implementation of ADC experiment, the experimental platform can be changed according to its own open environment.)
STM32 DAC实验源码
- 基于STM32实现DAC的实验,实验平台可根据自己的开放环境进行改变。(Based on STM32 implementation of DAC, the experimental platform can be changed according to its own open environment.)
STM32 DS18B20数字温度传感器实验源码
- 基于STM32实现DS18B20数字温度传感器实验,实验平台可根据自己的开放环境进行改变。(Based on STM32 realizing DS18B20 digital temperature sensor experiment, the experimental platform can be changed according to its own open environment.)
STM32 TFTLCD显示实验源码
- 基于STM32实现TFTLCD显示实验,实验平台可根据自己的开放环境进行改变。(Based on STM32 implementation of TFTLCD display experiment, the experimental platform can be changed according to its own open environment.)
- 基于verilog的2FSK调制程序,simulink仿真通过(2FSK modulation program based on Verilog, Simulink simulation passed)
- 基于verilog编写的MSK调制程序,modsim仿真波形正确(Verilog based MSK modulation program written, modsim simulation waveform correct)
- 基于verilog编写的MSK解调FPGA代码,modsim仿真正确(MSK demodulation FPGA code based on Verilog, modsim simulation is correct)
- I2C EEPROM(AT24C02)测试,测试信息通过USART1打印在电脑的超级终端。(I2C EEPROM (AT24C02) tests, and test information is printed on the super terminal of the computer through USART1.)
- 程序员基础算法合集,提供给初学者学习参考。(Collection, programmers based algorithm for beginners to learn the reference.)
- lcd12864驱动,IC为st7567,里面是相关源码(lcd12864,IC:ST7567,the driver code)