- Altera的OpenCL主要面向信号处理类应用的客户,是用C语言开发FPGA的利器,开放计算语言(OpenCL)联盟著名的公司有FPGA巨头Altera、两大显卡GPU巨头AMD、英伟达、CPU巨头Intel、软件和服务器巨头IBM以及全世界最大的公司Apple(苹果)等等。不过AMD和英伟达是用GPU实现的OpenCL并行运算,Altera是用FPGA实现并行运算。(Altera's OpenCL is mainly a client for signal processing applic
- 给出了EASYARM2200开发板的配套资源,包含部分代码。(The supporting resources of the EASYARM2200 development board are given, including some code.)
- rtcm解码 适合初学者学习,有很大的帮助!都来看一看(rtcm decoder is gps protol , come and look look)
- STM32F103C8T6 RFID RC522通信实验,使用USB虚拟串口发送读取到的卡内数据。(STM32F103C8T6 RFID RC522 communication experiment, using USB virtual serial port to send read card data.)
- TM1637 四位数码管显示驱动程序源码(TM1637 four bit digital tube display driver source code)
- 新唐ARM nuc972上运行littleVGL 效果还是不错的 比emwin效果好看(The effect of running littleVGL on New Tang ARM nuc972 is still better than EMWIN.)
- 该程序主要实现了6678系统初始化以及SRIO的枚举,可以正常实现通信功能,测试过好使。(The program mainly implements 6678 system initialization and SRIO enumeration, which can normally realize the communication function.)
- 6657评估版的例程和gel文件,板子为ti的ls版评估板子(6657 the routines and gel files of the assessment Edition)
mini stm32f103 DHT11+MQ-2 lcd test
- 用stm32f103rct6mini板,检测温湿度和气体,DHT11温湿度传感器,MQ-2气体传感器,用TFT LCD显示(Stm32f103rct6mini plate was used to detect temperature and humidity and gas, DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, mq-2 gas sensor and TFT LCD display)
stm32 pwm输出
- TM32的高级定时器TIM1可以产生互补的PWM,并且可以通过相关寄存器的设置使能或关闭PWM的输出。在编写BLDC的驱动程序时,本人利用TIM1的channel1,2生成了三路互补的PWM波形,定时器驱动程序(The advanced timer TIM1 of TM32 can generate complementary PWM, and it can enable or close the output of PWM through the setting of related regi
YS-V0.5 识别+MP3播放+SD+U盘 全智能
- YS版 LD3320语音模块的测试代码,核心是STM32F103芯片,是非特定人语音识别模块,能识别已经设定好的语音并完成相应操作(The test code of the LD3320 speech module of YS version, the core of which is STM32F103 chip, is a non-specific voice recognition module, which can recognize the set voice and complete
- 直流无刷电机六拍方波控制器程序,采用STM32进行控制,使用keil进行开发(BLDC driving controller based on STM32 in Keil)