- sdram控制器 这里考虑将SDRAM控制器结合目前项目开展来做相应的模块,而不做SDRAM通用控制器,这样也是考虑了FPGA的器件资源而采取的措施。同时编写的逻辑简单,没有多余的逻辑资源有利于提高控制器的速度,满足最后的设计要求。-SDRAM controller here consider SDRAM controller current projects do the corresponding module, but not so common SDRAM controller, a
- 用于MSP430 Timer A 模拟UART 产生9600的波特率通讯 此为C代码-for MSP430 Timer A simulation of the 9600 UART have this communication baud rate for the C code
msp430 Timer_A uart9600_06
- 利用MSP430的Timer A 模拟UART功能,波特率9600 32kHz ACLK-using MSP430 Timer A simulation function UART, 9600 Baud Rate 32kHz ACLK
- 交交变频矢量控制DSP部分,也是核心部分,输出为最终触发角度-Cycloconverter DSP vector control, is the core part of the output for the final trigger point
- 这是一个Keil MCB2148开发板上针对LPC2148的HID项目程序,它示范了如果实现USB HID: - 8个LED - INT1按钮 该设备将被Windows识别并加载为普通的HID 设备。LED和按钮将和PC端HID用户软件进行交互。-Keil MCB2148 LPC2148 development board against the HID project procedures, which demonstrated a USB HID if :-eight LED
- 本程序属于中断程序,本程序只是一个在Win32平台上的演示程序,大家可以改下应用于机床控制等。-interrupted the procedure to procedure, the procedure is a Win32 platform in the demonstration program, we can change machine used under control.
- Pocket PC上的图片浏览程序。开发工具:eVC。-Pocket PC photo viewer. Development tools : eVC.
- WindowsCE版的连连看游戏,图片是从QQ中借用的。开发工具:Embedded Visual C++,-WindowsCE version of the 1000 block of Terry Avenue games, photographs were borrowed from the QQ. Development tools : Embedded Visual C,
- mcs51系列的子程序大集合,有利于硬件工程师的参考资料-mcs51 series of large pools subroutine is conducive to the reference hardware engineers
TMS320C54x DSP 的cpu和外围设备
- 针对在FPGA中实现FIR滤波器的关键--乘法运算的高效实现进行了研究,给了了将乘法化为查表的DA算法,并采用这一算法设计了FIR滤波器。通过FPGA仿零点验证,证明了这一方法是可行和高效的,其实现的滤波器的性能优于用DSP和传统方法实现FIR滤波器。最后介绍整数的CSD表示和还处于研究阶段的根据FPGA实现的要求改进的最优表示。-view of the FPGA FIR filters achieve the key -- the multiplication Efficient Implem
- atmega8的BootLoad程序,此为上为机软件,现已在Atmega8芯片上测试通过。我已使用它做了几个项目,除第一次使用下载线,以后写片子只用串口线. -atmega8 the BootLoad procedures, such as for the software, which is available at Atmega8 chip test. I have to use it to do several projects, in addition to the first us
- atmega8的BootLoad程序,需写入M8之中,现已在Atmega8芯片上测试通过。我已使用它做了几个项目,除第一次使用下载线,以后写片子只用串口线.-atmega8 BootLoad the procedures required to be included in M8, which is available at Atmega8 chip test. I have to use it to do several projects, in addition to the first u