实验45 视频播放器实验
- 学习MJPEG解码和AVI文件格式,体验STM32F4强大的性能,实现一个简单的AVI视频播放器.(Learn MJPEG decoding and AVI file format, experience the powerful performance of STM32F4, and realize a simple AVI video player.)
实验47_2 DSP FFT测试
- 测试STM32F4的DSP 库的FFT函数,程序运行后,自动生成1024点测试序列,然后,每当KEY0按下后,调用DSP库的FFT算法(基4法)执行FFT运算,在LCD屏幕上面显示运算时间,同时将FFT结果输出到串口,DS0用于提示程序正在运行。(Test the FFT function of the DSP Library of STM32F4. After the program runs, the 1024 point test sequence is automatically gen
实验47_1 DSP BasicMath测试
- 测试STM32F4的DSP库基础数学函数:arm_cos_f32和arm_sin_f32和标准库基础数学函数:cosf和sinf的速度差别,并在LCD屏幕上面显示两者计算所用时间,DS0用于提示程序正在运行。(Test STM32F4's DSP library basic mathematical functions: arm_cos_f32 and arm_sin_f32 and standard library basic mathematical functions: the speed
- 远翔芯片做的呼吸灯,已经测试通过,给初学者(The breathing lamp made by the far Xiang chip)
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- 74LS143与STM32F103连接,PA.0和PA.1控制A和B的收发,PB.0为时钟控制,连接clock。(The 74LS143 is connected to the STM32F103. PA.0 and PA.1 control the sending and receiving of A and B. PB.0 controls the clock and connects the clock.)
- 使用BMP085气压计进行测量高度的源代码,包含arduino,51,avr三种(Use BMP085 barometer to measure the height of the source code, including Arduino, 51, AVR three kinds.)
K60_MPU9250_MPU6050 - DMP
- mpu6050_k60读写程序,要修改一下(Mpu6050_k60 read and write program, to modify)
Proyecto Empotrados
- an osciloscope based on TIVA C launchpad
- STM32寄存器版本资料,方便初学者学习(STM32 register version information for beginners to learn.)
- 嵌入式处理器接口模块设计,lcd功能调试图片显示文字显示(LCD function development in embedded development)
- 如果要将此应用项目移植到开发板上,只需要根据此项目的电路图修改管脚,改成我们开发板对应的管脚上。温湿度传感器使用的是DHT11,所以数据口按照原理图内接。温度传感器接口也需要修改成我们开发板对应的接口(If we want to transplant this application project to the development board, we only need to modify the pins according to the circuit diagram of this