- STC单片机的内部定时器程序,模块化开发,附带按键读取、数码管动态显示等驱动。(STC microcontroller internal timer program, modular development, with the button to read, digital tube dynamic display and other drivers.)
- OLED Display based on SS1306 driver library
- 嵌入式开发,入门,stm32编程,STM32系列基于专为要求高性能、低成本、低功耗的嵌入式应用专门(Embedded Development)
2,STM32 USB 学习资料
- STM32 usb lib and driver(source code)
- 全志v3s的datasheet。详细的寄存器说明。 全志v3s介绍:内置64M ddr内存,qfp封装(V3s of datasheet. Detailed register instructions. Whole chronicles v3s introduction: built in 64M DDR memory, QFP package)
- 本书着重讲解F429的外设以及外设的应 用,力争全面分析每个外设的功能框图和 外设的使用方法,让读者可以零死角的玩 转STM32—F429。(This book focuses on the peripherals and peripherals of F429 Use, strive to comprehensively analyze each peripheral functional block diagram and The external use method allows
16 空中鼠标、体感游戏手柄
- 用蓝牙4.0低功耗模快CC2540设计和开发空中鼠标、游戏手柄(Design and development of air mouse and game handle with Bluetooth 4 low power fast mode CC2540)
3 用电脑串口AT命令控制蓝牙BLE主机
- 用电脑串口指令控制蓝牙BL主机的cc2541芯片高级例程(Control of Bluetooth BLE host with computer serial port instruction)
7 BLE-六轴传感器-基于mpu6050-运动追踪实践
- 使用蓝牙4.0BLE模块cc2541芯片设计开发六轴传感器,用于运动追踪实践(Using Bluetooth 4.0BLE module cc2541 chip to design and develop six axis sensor for motion tracking practice)
实验12 OLED显示实验
- 硬件资源: 1,DS0(连接在PF9) 2,串口1(波特率:115200,PA9/PA10连接在板载USB转串口芯片CH340上面) 3,ALIENTEK 2.8/3.5/4.3/7寸TFTLCD模块(通过FSMC驱动,FSMC_NE4接LCD片选/A6接RS) 4,按键KEY0(PE4)/KEY1(PE3) 5,24C02(IIC连接在PB8/PB9上面) 实验现象: 本实验通过KEY1按键来控制24C02的写入,通过另外一个按键KEY0来控制24C02的读取
- 基于stm32的摄像头编程,包含摄像头的图像二值化等等(Based on stm32's camera programming, including image binarization of camera, etc)
- 快递柜的主控程序,采用stm32F4系列芯片实现(The main control program of the express cabinet is realized by stm32F4 series chip)