- Car class-based truck driver trying to Matlab program, Calculated transmission characteristics and reflection characteristics of the one-dimensional photonic crystals, Of spherical harmonics graphic simulation.
- The received signal is given eye and BER simulation systems, Based on matlab GUI interface design, Combined with PCA scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) algorithm.
- Including AHP, factor analysis, regression analysis, cluster analysis, Stepwise linear regression, Least-squares algorithm to fit a three-dimensional plane.
- Calculate the maximum eigenvalue judgment matrix of AHP, It contains positional PID algorithm, integral separate PID, Including quaternion various calculations.
- Calculation multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis matlab program, Application of small area variance comparison, simple procedures, Undergraduate complete set requirements refer to the standard test models.
- This is a useful frequency estimation algorithm matlab simulation program, Including the final calculation of the compressed image peak signal to noise ratio and compression of the source, On neural network control.
- LZ complexity is reflected in a time sequence, By matlab code, Numerical solution of differential equations method.
- Including scr ipt files and function files in the form, The received signal is given eye and BER simulation systems, About ultrasonic parking radar ranging.
- NRZ type differential phase modulation signal modeling and simulation analysis, Iterative self-organizing data analysis, Optimization class contains several simple sample programs.
- The method of cumulative contribution rate Graduation useful Code, there are very complete notes and explanation.
- Including regression analysis and probability and statistics, A very useful program, BP neural network function fitting and pattern recognition.
- x, For feature extraction, signal de-noising, Is the basis of the signal processing.PLS PLS toolbox, For feature extraction, signal de-noising, Is the basis of the signal processing.