- sigma smp8634/8635 toolchain rootfs building source. ================= Readme.txt ================= This is the Sigma Designs customization of the root file system for the SMP86xx family of chips. This package is of course
- s3c2410的USB device的代码ADS1.2. USB-Device测试程序: 因为程序运行在SDRAM中,所以要先初始化SDRAM(可用basic boot程序初始,之后不能复位或断电),再运行此程序,程序运行后连接USB端口,计算机会提示检测到新硬件,安装硬件驱动程序atmusb6119.inf 后计算机会把USB端口虚拟为一个串行的端口使用。
tcp/ip client encode
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- i2c-core.c - a device driver for the iic-bus interface You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
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- The Document Object Model (DOM) is a set of interfaces that give a programmatic interface to documents. It provides a platform-neutral and language-neutral interface for random access and updating elements inside XML documents. DOM Level 1 provided
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- BSP是Board Support Package的缩写,该术语通常用于嵌入式领域,主要指在开发嵌入式应用时系统开发商提供的各种驱动支持库。不过该术语即使在嵌入式领域人们对它的理解也有一些不同,有的认为它就是驱动程序,有的认为它是OS的驱动程序,也有认为它就是HAL(HardWare Abstract Layer )。实际上这几种理解都只是侧重于某个部分,再由于每个嵌入式系统提供商都根据自己的系统而提出对BSP的不同理解,因此在涉及到BSP的具体涵义时人们往往有一种似是而非的感觉。嵌入式系统提供