- HX711是一款专为高精度电子秤而设计的24位A/D转换器芯片。与同类型其它芯片相比,该芯片集成了包括稳压电源、片内时钟振荡器等其它同类型芯片所需要的外围电路,具有集成度高、响应速度快、抗干扰性强等优点(HX711 is a 24 bit A/D converter chip designed for high-precision electronic scales. Compared with the other types of chips, the chip integrates the
- 利用stm32开发的的红外黑线寻迹程序,Infrared black line tracking program developed by stm32(Infrared black line tracking program developed by stm32)
- 激光测距,采用APD作为光电传感器接收反射激光,TDC-GP22进行时间测量,通过速度时间精确计算出距离(Laser ranging uses APD as photoelectric sensor to receive reflected laser, TDC-GP22 carries out time measurement, and calculates the distance by velocity and time accurately.)
- 使用蓝牙控制机器人 1.乐幻索尔舵机控制板 2.hc-05蓝牙模块(Using Bluetooth control robot)
- 此文件为 平衡小车的原理图+源码!介绍清晰,方便可用。推荐下载(This file is the principle diagram of balanced car + source code!The introduction is clear and easy to use.Recommended download)
实验3 指示灯循环控制
- 指示灯循环控制,在编程软件的配合下,要求实现如下功能:8只发光二极管做循环点亮控制,且亮灯顺序为D1→D2→D3……D8→D7→……D2→D1,无限循环两次亮灯的时间间隔约为0.5秒。(Indicator light cycle control, with the cooperation of the programming software, requires the following functions: 8 light-emitting diodes do cycle light con
实验4 指示灯数码管的中断控制
- ?程序启动后,D1处于熄灯,LED1处于黑屏状态;单击K1,可使D1亮灯状态反转一次;单击K2可使LED1显示值加1,并按十六进制数显示,达到F后从1开始。(After the program starts, D1 is off, LED1 is in a black state; click K1, D1 can be turned on once; click K2 to increase LED1's display value, and displayed in hexadecimal,
实验5 电子秒表显示器
- 数码管的初始显示值为00;当1s产生时,秒计数器加一;秒计数到60时清零,并从00,从新开始,如此周而复始进行。(The initial display value of the digital tube is 00; when 1s is generated, the second counter is incremented; when the second is counted to 60, it is cleared, and from 00, the new one is starte
实验6 双机通信及PCB设计
- 甲机发送循环发送数据(0-f),乙机接收数据后,若结果无误使甲乙两机在各自的BCD数码管上显示当前数据。(A machine sends cyclic transmission data (0-f). After B receives the data, if the result is correct, both A and B machines display the current data on their respective BCD digital tubes.)
实验7 直流数字电压表设计
- 在编程软件配合下,要求实现如下功能:调解电位器RV1可使其输出电压在0~5V之间变化。经A/D转换后,数码管以十进制数形式动态显示电位器的调解电压。(In cooperation with the programming software, it is required to realize the following functions: The adjustment potentiometer RV1 can change its output voltage between 0~5V. A
- 51的LCD1602程序,包括整个工程,c程序源码(51 of the LCD1602 program, including the entire project, C program source code)
实验8 步进电机控制设计
- 在编程软件的配合下,要求实现如下功能:单击K1,控制步进电机正转;单击K2,控制步进电机反转,连续按K1、K2,步进电机可连续旋转。(In cooperation with the programming software, it is required to realize the following functions: Click K1 to control the forward rotation of the stepper motor; click K2 to control the