- RNF24L01芯片实例+程序,RF24L01-AD,RF24L01-MCU-PC通信例程,RF24L01无线温度例程,RF24L01遥控例程-RNF24L01 chip instance+ program, RF24L01-AD, RF24L01-MCU-PC communication routines, RF24L01 wireless temperature routine, RF24L01 remote control routines
- 单片机控制GSM模块实现短信收发。系统采用西门子解析模块tc35i与单片机通信,以AT指令控制TC35模块,涉及TEXT和PDU发送模式-GSM single-chip control module messaging. System analysis module tc35i with Siemens chip communication to the AT command control TC35 module, involving sending TEXT and PDU mode
- 结合zigbee与GPRS sim900功能,在Zigbee协议栈基础上对应用层进行开发,通过串口将Zigbee采集到的电压、温度数据转发给gprs,再经gprs远距离传输至服务器端。-Zigbee combined with GPRS sim900 function, based on the Zigbee protocol stack developed for the application layer, through the serial port Zigbee collected v
- 此代码适合zigbee学习者入门参考之用,芯片为TI的CC2530,代码包括基础实验(裸跑)及协议栈基础代码,更有项目实战代码如无线考勤机。-This code is suitable for learners entry reference zigbee chip is TI' s CC2530, code includes basic experiments (run naked) and protocol stack based code, the code is more prac
- STM8L15X 标准外围库1.51版本-stm8l15x stdperiph lib
- MSP-FET430UIF Launchpad 开发板 仿真器 WINDOWNS 64BIT 官方认证驱动(MSP-FET430UIF Launchpad development board emulator WINDOWNS 64BIT official authentication driver)
- uCOSII2.91+lwip-1.3.2移植到stm32f103中,简单实现ping功能。-UCOSII2.91+lwip-1.3.2 transplanted to STM32F103, the simple realization of Ping function.
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- 18年电赛FDC2214 STM32驱动程序是FDC2214程序STM32OLED串口。IO 口全部引出硬件口全部引出硬件 IIC 接口和串口 4 单独引出,可作为 OLED 显示接口和 HC-05 蓝牙模块接口。PA13,A14,A15,PB2,PB3,PB4 不建议使用 (JTAG 或 STLink 下载口,或 BOOT 或复位(The driver of FDC2214 STM32 in the 18-year tournament is the STM32OLED serial port
- KEIL MDK环境下的TQ2440裸奔程序,之前在网上找了几个,但是nandflash操作不能使用,我改了一下,烧上去可以直接用,用串口打印运行结果。-KEIL MDK environment TQ2440 streaking procedure, before the Internet to find a few, but nandflash operation can not use, I changed a bit, burning up can be used directly wit
- STM32L053C8-Discovery评估板代码-STM32L053C8-Discovery source code
- 在STM32F4平台上移植的ucos-ii和ucgui,很适合正在学习ucos-ii和ucgui的朋友-On STM32F4 porting ucos-ii and ucgui, very suitable for studying ucos-ii and ucgui friend