- ade7758芯片的交流信号的有效值测量
- 一种快速压缩和解压代码,适合使用于单片机的存储,通信压缩等场景
- STM32通过驱动板可以驱动直流有刷电机,步进电机,并可以读取直流电机的电流与编码器返回的速度,功能比较强。包括上位机程序,和下位机MDK源程序(stm32 step motor driver many control way)
普中学习程序+温度监控 puzhong
- DS18B20为单总线数据传输,利用STM32来读取温度数据,并处理,并在液晶屏上显示(DS18B20 for single bus data transmission, using STM32 to read temperature data, and processing, and displayed on the LCD screen.)
- 监测超导磁体的液位,温度,压力,当出现意外时利用GPRS远程发短信报警(Monitor the liquid level, temperature and pressure of the superconducting magnet, and use GPRS to send short message to alarm when there is an accident.)
基于W5500 的IAP
- 基于STM32单片机,通过W5500以太网芯片下载APP的IAP程序,实测正常使用。(Based on the STM32 microcontroller, download the APP IAP program through the W5500 Ethernet chip, and measure the normal usage.)
- C语言编程,实现看门狗复位测试功能。有助于初学者掌握单片机中断、复位等基础知识。(C language programming, to achieve watchdog reset test function. It is helpful for beginners to master basic knowledge such as interruption and reset of MCU.)
- 这里的循迹是指小车在白色地板上循黑线行走,通常采取的方法是红外探测法。红外探测法,即利用红外线在不同颜色的物体表面具有不同的反射性质的特点,在小车行驶过程中不断地向地面发射红外光,当红外光遇到白色纸质地板时发生漫反射,反射光被装在小车上的接收管接收;如果遇到黑线则红外光被吸收,小车上的接收管接收不到红外光。单片机就是否收到反射回来的红外光为依据来确定黑线的位置和小车的行走路线。(he track here refers to the car walking along the black lin
FU68XX- 20180516-v2.0
- 深圳峰岹FU68XX IC 做的电动工具方案。开发平台:Keil.(this is a program of battery powered tool, you can find the setting for TIMER,PWM,EEPROM and IO , it was complied on Keil and it is very useful.)
- 电子称用的压力传感器原理和HX711模块的51单片机程序(The principle of pressure sensor used in electronic weighing and the 51 MCU program of HX711 module.)
- STM32F103ZET6 systick 嘀嗒定时,蜂鸣器,独立按键,带自锁,采用STM32开发板实验(STM32F103ZET6 systick time, buzzer, independent buttons, with self-locking, using STM32 development board experiment)
Touch switch
- 基于MSP430G2553的电容式触摸按键配置例程及按键检测算法。(MSP430G2553 based capacitive touch button configuration routines and key detection algorithm.)