- 基于OpenCV于VS环境中实现对于非量测相机畸变系数的计算。-Based on OpenCV in VS implementation for the measurement of camera distortion coefficient calculation
- 在VC++环境中基于OpenCV实现对非量测相机内方位元素的解算。-In vc++ environment based on OpenCV realized to measure the inside azimuth element of the camera to solve
- 基于VC++环境实现最小点覆盖问题c++源代码,很实用。-Based on vc++ environment to achieve the minimum point covering problem c++ source code, very useful
- Opencv通过模板匹配和鼠标响应函数实现90年代风靡全国小盆友的经典“手游”拼图板小游戏,类似于Windows 7自带小工具“图片拼图板”,支持设置拼图板的行数和列数,有兴趣可以下载来玩一玩-Opencv response functions for 90 years swept the country Xiaopen Friends of the classic hand tour puzzle board game, similar to Windows 7 comes with th
- 基于opencv与VS编程环境实现了虚拟的屏幕键盘(与WINDOWS自带的虚拟键盘类似),内附带安装程序以及源码文件。-opencv and VC programming environment to achieve a virtual keyboard on the screen (similar to the WINDOWS own virtual keyboard), within the supplied installation program and source code file
- 本文件实现的是对水印的加密及解密,有3种方式,猫脸变换,混沌置乱和zigzag置乱。-The file contains sseveral functions, which can encrypt and decrypt the watermark,including Arnold Transform,chaotic and zigzag.
- 可实现答题卡阅卷系统中的图像倾斜矫正,采用Hough进行直线检测,并根据所定位的特征直线位置计算倾斜角度,再进行图像旋转,得到校正结果-chieve answer sheet scoring system image tilt correction, performed using Hough line detection, and calculates the inclination angle in accordance with the target characteristic line
- 将标记分水岭分割算法用于肺癌诊断,对肺部CT图像进行平滑滤波处理后再进行梯度运算,进行分水岭算法分割,极具实用价值-t will mark the watershed segmentation algorithm for diagnosis of lung cancer, lung CT image smoothing filter processing operation after gradient, watershed segmentation algorithm, very practi
- 设计了GUI界面极具交互性,对ORL人脸图像进行降维以及QR二维码编码、解码。-Designed highly interactive GUI interface on the ORL face image dimension reduction and two-dimensional QR code encoding and decoding
- 本案例为读取某印刷版本的英文文章图片,通过进行行分割、列分割来进行单词定位,然后与标准英文字符进行对比来实现识别-This case is reading a printed version of the English articles image by performing a dividing line, column split to locate a word, and then compare with the standard English characters to achie
- 基于主成分分析的图像压缩,通过传入图像矩阵、主成分配置、子块大小来进行PCA处理,可得到压缩重构的图像矩阵、压缩比、贡献率信息-Image compression based on principal component analysis, by passing the image matrix, the main component configuration, the sub-block size to PCA processing, compression can be obtained
- 在openframeworks环境下对坦克进行编程,实现动画、贴图、灯光效果,有助于学习openframeworks 3d编程(内含坦克模型)。VS2015 + OF_v0_9_3-An example about 3d programming in openframeworks.Including the usages of animates,texture and lights.Environment:VS2015+ OF_v0_9_3.