- 灰度共生矩阵建立在估计图像的一阶组合条件概率密度函数的基础上, 其通过计算图像中有一定距离和一定方向的两点之间灰度的相关性, 反映图像在方向、间隔、变化幅度及快慢上的综合信息。-The GLCMs are stored in a i x j x n matrix, where n is the number of GLCMs calculated usually due to the different orientation and displacements used in the alg
- 本文件夹的程序用于图像处理中的车标定位,希望对大家有用-The folder includes some .M files and it s helpful to learn the knowledge of Vehicle- logo location
- 本程序用于图像处理中的车牌识别,希望对大家有用-The folder includes some .M files and it s helpful to learn the knowledge of IPR
- 为每个分割区域提取特征,统一放在一个文件里,且当分割区域小于5 时,此区不考虑-Extract features for each segmentation area, place it in a single file, and when the split area is less than 5 , this area is not considered
- 在eccv200(corel5k)图像库的训练4500幅图像上统计374个语义的 多例子学习 训练样本-A total of 374 semantic multi-instance learning training samples were counted on the training of 4500 images of the eccv200 (corel5k) image library
- matlab图像增强效果,包含加入椒盐噪声等,对比几种边缘检测算法的效果区别- matlab图像增强效果,包含加入椒盐噪声等,对比几种边缘检测算法的效果区别 MATLAB image enhancement effect, including the addition of salt and pepper noise, compared to the effect of several edge detection algorithm
- 为每个分割区域提取特征,统一放在一个文件里,在1Kimg的 多例子学习 训练样本-For each segmentation area to extract features, unified in a file, in the 1Kimg multi-example learning training samples
- 为每个分割区域提取特征,统一放在一个文件里,在图像库内进行多示例学习并训练样本-Extract features for each segmentation area, place it in a single file, perform multi-sample learning and train samples in the image library
- 一个基本的FG-NET人脸库,包含有彩色图像和黑白图像。有82组,尺寸规模不一,用于人脸识别、人脸检测都行-A basic FG-NET face contains color images and black and white images. There are 82 groups of varying size scale, for face recognition, face detection will do
- 相机内外参数标定完以后,而已利用该程序对图像中物体进行三维坐标的重建。-After internal and external camera calibration parameters End, just use the program to reconstruct three-dimensional objects in an image coordinates.
- 相机标定过程中,对初始得到的内外参数的进行整体优化,从而得到最佳内外参数的程序-Camera calibration process, the overall optimization of the initial parameters obtained inside and outside, resulting in the program inside and outside the parameters of the best
- 3D虚拟试衣,给你提供不一样的感觉。现场更换衣服!-3D virtual try to give you a different feeling. Scene change clothes!