- 直接运行PicOperationTest.m文件 程序主要是练习了: sobel算子增强边缘,得梯度幅值图像 图像的开闭操作 新手交流,高手路过就好。。。(The Code is about edge enhancement and morphologic operators. It can be used for learning the basic skills. You don't need to download it if you have mastered t
- ICA (Principal Component Analysis) algorithm and procedures, It can be directly calculated multi-fractal spectrum, BP neural network function fitting and pattern recognition.
- Waveform data analysis, Car class-based truck driver trying to Matlab program, A fluid manifold learning algorithm (good use).
DRLSE_v0 (1)
- 水平集算法分割图像源代码,一种是从内到外分割,一种是外到内分割(Level set segmentation image source code, there are two kinds, one is from inside to outside, and the other is from outside to inside Matlab convhull)
- Signal Processing ESPRIT method, PLS PLS toolbox, Arrival process is a Poisson process.
- 水平集代码,从网上找到的,没有什么特别复杂的。(Level set segmentation image source code, there are two kinds, one is from inside to outside, and the other is from outside to inside Matlab convhull)
Face Detection using Viola-Jones Algorithm
- Viola-Jones 算法的人脸检测程序,附带检测图片(for detection using Viola-Jones Algorithm. To save Cropped Picture you need to change the folder location.)
- 主要实现了在Android平台上对图像进行文字识别。(It mainly realizes the character recognition of the image on the Android platform.)
- 可用于图像的基本处理,变换,去噪声等的程序代码,可配套相关图像处理的书籍使用(Can be used for the basic image processing, transformation, noise and other program code, can be matched with related image processing books use)
- 仿真b超成像,换能器发射超声激励脉冲扫描盒子中的散射点及囊肿,成像(The scattering points and cysts in the pulse scanning box are transmitted by transducer)
- MapWindow 6, source code and demo project
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