- 降低图像灰度级 在不能使用imadjust函数的情况下,采用利用矩阵进行像素运算的方法。(1. Reducing the Number of Gray Levels in an Image (a) Write a computer program capable of reducing the number of gray levels in an image from 256 to 2, in integer powers of 2. The desired number of gr
- 双线性插值放大缩小图像 编写一个通过双线性插值来缩放和缩小图像的计算机程序。(Zooming and Shrinking Images by Bilinear Interpolation (a) Write a computer program capable of zooming and shrinking an image by bilinear interpolation. The input to your program is the desired size of th
- 利用对数变换进行图像变换 公式:x1=c*log(double(x)+1)(1.Image Enhancement Using Intensity Transformations The focus of this project is to experiment with intensity transformations to enhance an image. Download Fig. 3.8(a) and enhance it using (a) The log t
- 直方图均衡化 (a)编写计算图像直方图的计算机程序。 (b)实现直方图均衡技术3.3.1节中讨论。 (c)下载图3.8(a)并在其上执行直方图均衡化。(Histogram Equalization (a) Write a computer program for computing the histogram of an image. (b) Implement the histogram equalization technique discussed in Sect
- java实现的ocr简体汉字识别程序,是被精度可继续扩展提高(OCR recognition program implemented by Java)
- 下载图片然后傅立叶变换 展示频谱 计算灰度级平均值 使用高斯低通滤波器,可以指定size,m*n,高斯函数的中心位置。 用例图做高斯低通滤波。((a)Download Fig. 4.41(a) from the book web site and compute its (centered) Fourier spectrum. (b) Display the spectrum. (c) Use your result in (a) to compute the average val
- 噪声发生器 查找(或开发)将高斯噪声添加到图像的程序。您必须能够指定噪声均值和方差。(1.Noise Generators This is a generic project, in the sense that the programs developed here are used in several of the projects that follow. See Fig. 5.2 for the shapes and parameters of the following nois
- 用openGL创建一个机器人,实现鼠标键盘交互以及纹理覆盖(Construct a texture robot, mouse and keyboard interaction)
- 一个3d编程的例子,实现了3维场景的漫游,摄像机使用, 对3d编程和3d游戏是不可多得的范例。(An example of 3D programming that implements the roaming of the 3 - dimensional scene, the use of the camera, and a rare example of 3D programming and 3D games.)
- matlab下的二维码识别与生成,有GUI(Two dimensional code recognition and generation under Matlab, GUI)
- 数字图像处理第三版,中文版,PDF文档,还算清晰(Chinese version of digital image processing)
- 基于优化的局部二值模式织物疵点检测,论文,未翻译(Fabric defect detection based on optimized local two value model, paper, untranslated)