- 中值滤波、soble算子和拉普拉斯锐化;以及掌纹增强图(掌纹图需自己准备)(Median filtering, Soble operator and Laplasse sharpening; and palmprint enhancement diagrams (palmprint drawings need to be prepared for themselves))
- 包含中值滤波、Soble运算和Laplacian锐化,以及掌纹增强实例(Include median filtering, Soble operation, Laplacian sharpening, and palmprint enhancement examples)
Chapter 5_Code
- opencv计算机视觉 基于python 第五章源码(完整)(Opencv3 computer vision is based on the source code of the third chapter of python (complete))
Chapter 6_Code
- opencv3计算机视觉基于python第六章代码(完整)(Opencv3 computer vision is based on the source code of the sixth chapter of python (complete))
Chapter 7_Code
- opencv3计算机视觉基于python第七章代码(完整)(Opencv3 computer vision is based on the source code of the seventh chapter of python (complete))
- opencv3计算机视觉基于python第八章代码(完整)(Opencv3 computer vision is based on the source code of the eighth chapter of python (complete))
- 利用opencv开源库帧差法检测视频中运动的物体(Detection of moving objects in video using OpenCV open source library frame difference method)
- 高斯混合模型,利用C++ OEPNCV来完成(This is a GMM model using C++ opencv to deal with it)
- 大津法(OTSU)是一种确定图像二值化分割阈值的算法,由日本学者大津于1979年提出。从大津法的原理上来讲,该方法又称作最大类间方差法,因为按照大津法求得的阈值进行图像二值化分割后,前景与背景图像的类间方差最大(何为类间方差?原理中有介绍)。(Otsu method (OTSU) is a set of image binarization threshold segmentation algorithm, proposed by Japanese scholars ohtsu in 1979.
- 采用c/c++语言,利用OpenCV库实现对图象的椒盐噪声的处理(Using the c/c++ language and using the OpenCV library to deal with the salt and pepper noise of the image)
- 利用神经网络进行标准印刷体数字识别,对0-9十类数字进行准确分类。(The neural network is used to identify the standard print numbers, and the 0-9 and ten types of digits are classified accurately.)
- 目标检测与跟踪,识别图中想要识别的目标,并提取出来(Target detection and tracking, identify the target in the picture, and extract it)