- class.xml.sitemap.generator.php.tar Regardless of the programming or scripting language used
- iscsitarget- 这是iscsi的源码包
- 6_39423_bb33af3e3a6bddc iCloud代码示例
- 13_NolinearLogTransform 连接好电脑和DSP仿真器
- W25Q16 FLASH存储芯片的读写程序
- MacPro2_1 This a basic file for those that wish to improve on their skills. Specifically
- 使用opencv写的图像旋转与缩放程序,对初学opencv的人很有用,The use of written opencv image rotation and scaling procedures, the people of learning useful opencv
- 对girl图像做二维DCT,并通过对变换后的某些系数置零达到压缩目的,Girl doing two-dimensional images of the DCT, and through certain coefficients transformed to achieve compression purpose of nulling
- 本人写的YUV图像缩放程序,支持不同的算法,宏开关控制,小巧好用-YUV picture scaler code
- 静态图像显著性分析程序,利用matlab开发。加州理工三位教授所写。-Software] Saliency Map Algorithm : MATLAB Source Code Below is MATLAB code which computes a salience/saliency map for an image or image sequence/video (either Graph-Based Visual Saliency (GBVS) or the standard It
- 达芬奇DM6446实时视频sobel边缘检测代码,包括codec,DSP Server 和app程序,DM6446 DaVinci sobel edge detection in real-time video source, including codec, DSP Server and app process
- matlab控制摄像头自动定时拍摄,内含目标检测源代码,matlab control the camera auto-timer shooting, containing the source code for target detection
DWGdirect 帮助资源文档 C++版
- DWGdirect 帮助资源文档 C++版 ,Help Resources DWGdirect document C++ version
- 电子稳像的C++程序,用visual C++ 和 OPENCV 1.0编的-Electronic image stabilization of the C++ program, using visual C++ and compiled OPENCV 1.0
bmp图片向YUV转换 源代码
- bmp图片向YUV转换 源代码 ,可以用,bmp image to YUV conversion
- 在matlab环境下基于数学形态学的图像去噪,传统去噪只选用一种结构元素,去噪效果并不理想,这种去噪方法实现简单,功能强大,无论对于高斯、椒盐、维纳等噪声都去有很强的去噪效果,且算法简单。-In the matlab environment based on mathematical morphology image denoising, denoising only use traditional elements of a structure, de-noising effect is no
- 是QT和vtk和vs2008结合的一个测试程序,可以测验你的环境设置正确与否-Vtk and QT and vs2008 is the combination of a test program that can test whether your environment is set correctly
- 实时绘图的vc++源码,实现绘图即时显示。-Real-time mapping of the vc++ source code, to achieve real-time graphics display.