- 基于C#实现的根据散乱点生成泰森多边形程序。-Based on C# implementation of the program to generate Thiessen polygons according scattered points.
- 该文件为中国河流水系shp文件,可以用来分析水系或直接用来二次开发。-This file is a Chinese river systems shp file that can be used to analyze water system or directly to the secondary development.
- 将shp格式的GIS数据转为ENVI EVF格式-GIS data shp format to format ENVI EVF
- 利用百度鹰眼功能实现记录GPS位置,轨迹,路径信息等。运行环境为android studio.(Use Baidu Hawk Eye function to record GPS position, track, path information and so on. The running environment is Android studio.)
ArcGIS Engine
- ArcGIS Engine 地理信息系统开发教程2---基于C#.NET 源代码和数据(ArcGIS Engine geographic information system development tutorial2 --- Based on C#.NET)
ArcGIS Engine1
- ArcGIS Engine 地理信息系统开发教程1---基于C#.NET(由于上传容量限制,分为几次上传)(ArcGIS Engine geographic information system development tutorial 1--- Based on C#.NET)
Arcgis Engine4
- ArcGIS Engine 地理信息系统开发教程---基于C#.NET第11章上半部分(ArcGIS Engine geographic information system development tutorial 4--- Based on C#.NET)
Arcgis Engine5
- ArcGIS Engine 地理信息系统开发教程5---基于C#.NET(ArcGIS Engine geographic information system development tutorial --- Based on C#.NET)
Arcgis Engine
- 一个基于arcgis engine开发的物业管理系统,实现一些基本的功能。(ArcGIS Engine Based on the development of a property management system, to achieve some of the basic functions.)
- ENVI/IDL读取气象雷达(CINRAD/CC)数据(IDL reads meteorological radar(CINRAD/CC)data)
- GIS 应 用 开 发 Developing GIS Applications with ArcObjects using C#.NET(Developing GIS Applications with ArcObjects using C#.NET)
- 带全国省级、县级以及五级河流的shp文件。不带投影坐标。(Shp files with national, provincial and county level and five level rivers. Without projection coordinates.)