- 人脸识别的基于独立份量分析文章,英文原版,pdf格式。-an article about face recogoniton based on independent component analysis . original english edition,pdf format.
- 用于人脸识别的隐马尔可夫随机过程,英文原版文章。-original english edition of article about face recogniton based on implicit markov random process.
- 基于主分量分析的人脸识别英文原版文章,值得借鉴。-original english edition of article about face recogniton based on main component analysis.it is worth reference.
- 可编程逻辑系统的VHDL设计技术,该本书首先对VHDL语言进行了阐述,然后用alter公司的产品进行举例!-programmable logic system VHDL design technology, the first book of VHDL expounded, and then alter the company's products, for example!
- 图像高斯滤波,再边缘检测中,首先要用到高斯滤波-images Gaussian filtering, edge detection again, the first use of the Gaussian filter! !
- 利用VC制作的温度对数压力图,与平时看到的一样,是气象人员进行,解放了气象人员的用手点绘的麻烦。-VC temperature on the production of several pressure map, and see the same in peacetime, meteorological personnel, the liberation of the meteorological point of a hand painted trouble.
- 三维射线追踪的代码,c语言+linux下的环境。试用于石油勘探行业。 -Code for track 3D radial program with c language and works in linux.it is used in oil reconnoitre industry for test
- 这也是图形与图象处理中方面的---边缘检测;包括:Roberts边缘算子,Sobel边缘检测算子,Kirsch边缘检测算子,拉普拉斯算子,高斯拉普拉斯算子。-graphics and image processing -- the edge detection; : Roberts edge operator, Sobel edge detection operator, Kirsch edge detection operator, Laplacian, Gaussian Laplace op
- 本程序是图形与图象处理方面的,实现的是对图片进行粗化和细化,学过此方面知识的人就知道。-graphics and image processing, and achieving the pictures of the rough and refined, academic knowledge of this person know.
- 设计过程:先画出圆,然后再填充一个大的S,字的大小要和图形一致,这个颇有难度,经过多次试验与计算得到-design process : first round draw, and then filled a large S, the size of the words and graphics to be consistent, quite difficult, after many experiments and calculated
- 这次课程设计我选择题目是画几个国家的国旗,分别是我国的五星红旗、古巴的和多哥共和国的国旗。-this curriculum design is a topic I chose painting of the flag in several countries, namely China's five-star red flag, Cuba and the flag of the Republic of Togo.
- 基于神经网络的识别程序,程序采用三层BP网络训练,采用了普通定义中加入动量因子的训练法,精确度很高。-based on neural network identification procedures, procedures adopted a three-tier network training BP, with its definition of momentum into the training factor, a high degree of precision.