hunman dectection
- 在场景中检测到人,可用boundbox框选出目标。(If people are detected in the scene, they can be selected by boundbox box.)
- 霍夫线性变换的一些例程,有代码有结果希望能帮到大家(Hof linear transformation)
- Speedtree CAD 2.4 for trees modeling
- 基于matlab图像白平衡处理; 包含 ortalama_renk.m; whiteBalance.m; face_detection_v1.m(White balance image processing)
- 基于MFC环境,使用OpenCV的相关函数,实现了对“大家来找茬”游戏界面的两张图片的比较,并通过鼠标点击,较为准确的判断出不同之处。(Based on the MFC environment, using the related functions of OpenCV, the comparison of the two pictures of the "everybody to find out" game interface is realized, and the d
opencv Reference Manual_2.4.9
- OpenCV2.4.9版本的使用说明,里面包含了各种函数的定义、声明和使用。英文版,但内容比较容易理解。(The use of OpenCV2.4.9 version contains all kinds of functions definition, declaration and use. English version, but the content is easier to understand.)
- OpenCV2.4.11版本中,配置附加依赖项的属性时需要添加的内容。注意,Debug和Realse环境下添加的内容不同。(In OpenCV2.4.11 version, we need to add additional attributes when configuring additional attributes. Notice that Debug and Realse add different contents.)
- 将VS第一次配置时OpenCV的项目属性表保存下来,每次新建项目时引用即可。右击新建的项目,选择属性管理器,在Debug目录下添加现有项,选择该压缩文件中的OpenCV_Debug。这里配置的OpenCV的版本是2.4.11。(Save the item property table of OpenCV when VS is configured for the first time, and reference every time the new project is built. Righ
- 三种图像去噪源码(matlab实现) 1.均值滤波对高斯噪声的效果 2.二维自适应维纳滤波对高斯噪声的滤除效果 3.对加入椒盐噪声的图像分别作均值、中值和维纳滤波(Three images to noise source code 1. The effect of mean filtering on gaussian noise. 2. The filtering effect of 2d adaptive wiener filtering on gaussian noise. 3.
- 视频车辆检测 中值滤波 背景差法 实现视频中移动车辆的检测。更新背景(Video vehicle detection)
- 图像显示,opencv的开发配置环境,图像腐蚀,播放视频,调用摄像头(picture show and opencv surrounding and picture explode and watch video)
Retinex fogging algorithm
- matlab 中Retinex 去雾算法的具体实例,亲测有效(The specific example of Retinex fogging algorithm in MATLAB.)